Surprisingly by: Fox News.
Originally aired on March 2016
"Heads up, Washington. We're not listening to you anymore because we're fed up. You haven't fixed a damn thing. We can't take it anymore: the lies, the corruption, the debt, the taxes, the invasion, the freebies, the lack of accountability, sanctuary cities, religions forced to violate their own faith, by providing birth control and abortifacts at the altar of Obamacare and you're saying one thing and doing another. The patronage games and the free ride on our backs are over.See full Report Below
You're not listening. For us, it's not just an election – it's the selection of Supreme Court justices and the direction our country takes for generations. We don’t want anything more than what our Founding Fathers intended. The slippery slope into socialism doesn't work for us. We want an America where law enforcement, the military and our allies are not the enemy. Boys, your arrogance is astonishing. And your condescension and scorn for the will of the American people is both mind-boggling and reminiscent of another time in our history.
From the beginning, we knew this would be a political revolution. Be careful boys, be very, very careful. You don't want to make this a different kind of revolution."
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