Most people believe that the United States of America is a sovereign nation and a true democratic republic. The predominant illusion is that we the people elect representatives as a government to do our will and serve our interests in a consensus manner. The reality couldn't be further from the truth.
The United States of America is not a republic governed by the will of the people, it's a government now owned and operated by corporate interests, foreign and domestic. The people have been duped into allegiances to political parties and not the 'greater good', they are distracted and divided by duplicitous rhetoric that is not meant to enlighten, but to partition them off from their true power.
I don't want to give the impression that the United States of America was ever paradise on earth. Far from it, America has manufactured a mythology about itself that blinds it to reality. For Africans, Native Americans, Latinos, all women and most immigrants America was never 'the land of opportunity', even today it is not the land of equal opportunity. The United States Constitution, which is worshiped by many; is not a document of freedom and liberty. If you were an African slave in America, the Constitution codified that you were only considered 3/5ths human, if you were a woman you were denied the right to vote in any election, if you were a Native American you were invisible and your murder and the theft of your land was legally ensured by the Monroe Doctrine of 'Manifest Destiny'. The Constitution of the United States of America was a legal document intended to ensure the supremacy of white male property owners of protestant descent. Those also excluded from 'constitutional protection' were poor whites.
That is why I look sideways at folks who declare that "The U.S. Constitution is a document of freedom". It was not for the majority of souls who called American soil home. Personally I think that anyone who looks for freedom from a document that was written by someone else isn't really free in the first place....but I digress.

The "Founding Fathers' were the representatives of wealthy European/American landowners, many of whom were owners of slaves and who occupied Native American lands by simple decree. Those so called the founding fathers were simply tired of paying tribute and taxes to Britain. They didn't care about the sovereignty or liberty of 'all' as they proclaimed. The so called founding fathers wanted impose their own taxes (which they would be free of no doubt), be ensured of free labor and maximize their profits.
The United States of America was indeed a revolutionary concept. It was the paradigm shift from monarchical birthright ruler-ship backed by the mental conditioning of religious theocracy. The concept of America shifted the power to economic-corporate ruler-ship by the landowners, a country where citizen/subjects were beholden to financial barons. The freedom of thought and speech is a joke...it always has been. Ask any person who spoke out against slavery in the south in the 1800s or the north for that matter. Ask any person who proposed communism in the 1940s and 50s, or now for that matter. Ask any person who agitated for civil rights in the 60s. Ask any person who spoke out against Vietnam, Iraq and other American wars of aggression. All of those examples and many more were instances where the 'constitutional' government suppressed dissent.
Today the United States is on the doorstep of being the most repressive government on earth. That is no hyperbole. The Patriot Act, NDAA, CISPA and Homeland Security have codified fascism into the American culture with hardly a peep from a shallow, dumbed down, divided and distracted citizenry. Fascism is the merging of corporate/government power to dominate a population. Corporate entities enjoy every privilege of 'citizenship' without the responsibility; financially or environmentally. Whereas the public 'elects' their representatives, corporate interests buys those reps and makes elections simply pageants in false patriotism and a public mockery. If you're a devoted Republican or Democrat then you're further entrenching the status quo. Both of those parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of corporate interests. If you're staunchly liberal or conservative then you're an agent of no-change. If you proclaim to be a dyed in the wool libertarian, then corporate interests love you. Corporate/government propaganda feeds the public division by inducing people to put themselves in the cages of those groups. If you're a living, breathing, thinking human being, who sees past those corporate media created labels, then most likely you have no voice in the present system.
Admittedly, I have no answer to the present circumstances, I can only address the situation as I see it. Here may be an answer to our dilemma. This article addresses why we let this happen. And this article is why the present system is so entrenched. All I know is that until we as a majority cease to be so easily and manipulatively divided by wedge issues and words. Until we remember to think past our assigned Dem, GOP, Conservative or Liberal intellectual cages. Until we can stop seeing our neighbors as 'the enemy' and focus on who profits from our contentions with each other. Until we can re-learn to entertain a thought that is not our assigned opinion then we'll always be treated like herd animals.
We get the government we deserve.
Duane Townsend
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Note: From AFD, will be adding more guest bloggers in the future. This is a way to connect with other bloggers, have us unite and help one another get the word out. Feel free to message me @ Facebook.if you're interested.
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