
Expressing Love, Kindness and Gratitude is Divine.

Monday, February 25, 2013 0 comments

Expressing love, kindness and gratitude is the way of the divine.

  Here I pour my heart out, while I am not usually one to reveal much of my childhood experiences, many of you; however will find this information important as it may help you reflect back on your own childhood. This is my intention with this blog post and the main reason is to show you the way back into the divine feminine and masculine and also… the child at heart.

 When I was a kid, I felt rejected from the world. I hung out with the “losers” at school. While I myself found them to be very interesting human beings. The popular people mostly saw them with that label of “loser Ville”.  The problem here was however, that even in the group I hung out with tended to pick on me as well. They forced hard lessons on me to “toughen” me up for the “real” world. All they were doing in the end was showing me more rejection and they ended up changing me to become one of “them”.

What was the result of these forced lessons?

  As I listened to them criticize the popular people, I realized that they were not any different from those who rejected them. All they were doing was continuing the cycle of hate, instead of showing something different. Instead of showing love and kindness. Nevertheless, I ended up giving in to what they wanted to teach, and lost sight of myself and this caused me to close my heart as I adopted ‘their” reality.

You see, when you think about what they were truly doing, it is a form of manipulation.  To gather masses to agree with them. Instead of doing the opposite, this would have shown their true hearts and not run away. They ended up beating me up, and sometimes I even shed blood. Then they would congratulate me for passing these so called “tests” of theirs. These “tests” are merely mind games brought on by the very system they rejected.  As a kid, I cried a lot and whenever I cried I was forced more lessons. I was a kid, I did not know any better. And this was the start of a reality I did not wish for myself. 

Now, to the main topic

Ever felt rejected as a kid?  What was it that a kid mostly craves for during their youth?  If you guessed correctly, then the answer would be love and affection. It is very similar to a puppy when they are small, but mistreat it and you will have a pitbull ready to strike any person. 


Because that is what the puppy was taught. It was not taught the divinity of love, instead it was taught to preserve its own life through defenses and reactions. The same goes for a kid when he/she is programmed with influences by others. This is in fact, where the birth of the ego takes place and the main reason why when we become adults we forget who we truly are. We were not taught to love, we were taught to hate and reject those who reject us.  So when does this cycle of monotony end?

The expression of Divinity

I am sure many of us cry in the dark without allowing others to see us. We do this because we were embedded through our subconscious that crying or expressing emotions was a weakness. This causes us to bottle things up and hide who we truly are from the world. Not only are we doing a disservice to ourselves, but we are also performing a disservice for others by hiding away what we feel deep inside our hearts.  In time this very emotion that we keep locked away becomes a shield, a dark cloud that enthrones the heart to obscure the way of the divine. To put it simply: When you do not express yourself, and how you truly feel, you are empowering the ego to edit your experiences.

  This is the mistake many people make when allowing others to control their experiences. Not only do we become an empty vessel, but we hide away our love because this system society lives in discourages it.  On the other hand; when we are free to express love for all, we become happy because we feel the joy of doing so as we allow it to come out in full light instead of suppressing it. This in itself is the major cause of depressing, and why anxiety has risen in statistics the past 20-30 years.

A child needs  love & affection to grow.

Regardless of age, we are all still kids in our hearts. We all still have that innocence inside us wanting to come out. Even as a full grown adult in this bio body, we need love and affection in our lives. And there is a reason for this. It is because when we are in full expression of love, we are also in tune with the divine. Any other form of expression such as hate and rejection is part of the ego wanting to do to others what it is being done to the observer (us).  When we express love we are in divinity and at a service to others. When we express gratitude, we are also in tuned with the divine. When we allow ourselves to be who we truly are, we are also in tune with the divine. 

If you are a parent, it is important that you realize how you treat your child. However, this does not mean give your child everything he/she wants. And with this I am referring to material possessions such as toys and video games etc.  If material possessions were an act of love then the very rich would be expression of love. Unfortunately, this is not the case because the majority of the rich were mostly taught not to love but rather, given everything they wanted. Contrary to the rich, someone who does not have much material possessions, but expresses love in full light is one of the happiest persons in the world.


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