Road to Peaceful "Revolution "– 4rth of July Tribute
by: June ValBefore writing this post, I contemplated the latest events that have been occurring around the world. The NSA scandal, the mass protests in Egypt, Brazil protests, Iceland’srevolution, the election fraud in last years GOP against Ron Paul, the Syria propaganda, the Zimmerman trial, cops shooting dogs, the latest Snowden’s statement, and so on.
So many events to count, one could say that the world has entered a time of chaos, which will continue to escalate as time goes by. With this in mind, many countries such as germany and France are extremely angry at the U.S “government” including other close allies for the continuance of the NSA's spying. Meanwhile, as I observe in the U.S, many are still asleep, due to mainstream media’s blackout and disinformation. Some continue to play their world of warcraft without a care in the world that chaos is upon them. Others continue to watch American idol, glued to their T.V’s sets. In addition, many are too lazy to educate themselves on what is really going on because doing research is a hassle, (especially when you begin piecing the puzzle together and realize that one connection leads to another)so they instead remain in ignorance.
In a sense, I don’t blame them. Ignorance can be bliss, until the police state comes knocking at their door and they end up wishing to have done something. Oh well, too late now isn’t it? While you were busy dissing those for speaking out, the powers that be were already on the move. (This of course does not apply to everyone, but I do admit I once thought conspiracy theorists to be paranoid tin foil hats.)
However, the more information, and whistle blowers coming out; the tighter things seems to get. The only reason I write this post however, is to pinpoint some facts, while attempting to remain “unbiased”.
But what do I mean by unbiased? Obviously, to be on nature’s side, I am biased when it comes to life, but as a human being, observing other human beings. I take no sides since I see everything as a lesson to be learned. Even those who are in power and attempts to seek control, have their own lessons to teach, whether or not they do it willingly or unwillingly.
All it truly takes is to open the blind eye and observe, one could say I am observing from God’s point of view, the invisible eye in the sky. This is ironic because I tend to feel that way when I observe the events around the world, and at time, I myself have felt as if I was being watched. (No not by the NSA, but by something much bigger than the mind is capable of comprehending.)
However, make no mistake, this post isn’t about proving God’s existence either, I am not trying to recruit anyone to any faith. I even respect the atheist’s points of views because believe it or not, they do have valid points, but so do those who believe in the divine. The problem I see there mostly is that both sides tend to argue over silly things that doesn’t really matter when all you have to do is declare “I want to know truth, and find the answer within myself.”
It is sad to say, that In this day in age, an article like this one would probably end up putting me on a long list of suspected people. Despite the fact that the intention of this post is mostly to promote peace and to stop all unnecessary bloodshed. With that in mind, I would like to firmly state the following:
I am a peaceful person, I have no problems with anyone, nor do I like conflicts. If by any chance I end up disappearing you can pretty much guess I was probably silenced.
Paranoia? Not necessarily, I am simply stating this as a way to let people know that I am mostly isolated and no one around me or close to me in this island care about my current existence (besides some family members, and possibly a few freemasonic acquaintances). To others, however, I am just another face in a crowd.
Now that I established a “safenet” with the above statement, I would once again like to declare I am on nature’s side. My allegiance is not exactly on “man’s” side, but rather to the all that is. You can call it “the Tao, Source God, God, the Flow, Krishna, Buddha, the Christ, Allah, Nature, Gaia, or even the Force from Star Wars, It makes no difference since all is what it should be. Moreover, if you are an atheist, it does not matter if you believe or not, since after all you are free to believe what you want, and I will not attempt to recruit you to any faith either. Attempting to recruit to any groups or organization results in cults, and usually those who attempt to recruit are mostly trying to validate their own faith due to them having doubt.
With that in mind, it is simply not worth trying to convince anyone to believe in anything, since to me what matters is what I believe for myself based on my own observations and experiences. I am a skeptic until I experience things first hand. A trait my time during agnostic- atheism taught me. “Question everything, and not be lead through blind faith” is one of the lessons I learned during that phase in my life.
It is my experience, and I document those experiences as I see fit; after all, my sovereignty grants me the right to speak freely as long as I am not hurting physically another man.
I do not like violence - conflicts, and wars make me sick to my stomach. Perhaps my mother and father had something to do with that when I was a child. Whenever they fought, I would sit in a corner and cry and wish the conflict would end. In this sense, I can be extremely sensitive to my surroundings, and have devoted myself to avoid conflicts and understand their roots instead. This path needs to be unbiased in order to arrive at the correct answer.

Just like that saying “When you help and love yourself, you are then in a position to help and love others.”
After all, how can you help others find the answer, when you yourself are lost inside your own mind games and personal hell? It would be similar to following a cult leader into a mass suicide event. Hence why I tell others to find the answers themselves from their own personal power.
So you Want a Revolution Huh?
If you read all the above, and understand it, then you have already made that first step. The second step is figuring out your way around the “game of life”.
I’d like to propose an idea, and add a "minigame" to this huge role playing game. I’ll call it “Transcending thoughts.” Here you take your thoughts, beliefs, or ideas, and evolve them into something new and unbias by placing yourself in other peoples shoes aswell as your own.
Here is an example, when we think of the word “war”.
You see death, you see destruction, you see chaos, you see that mother losing her child to a wild bullet, you see that missile missing the target and hitting a building filled with innocent civilians. You see sadness, you see despair, you see hatred, you see cries for help and a stream of abuse abuse.
Lets add to that a look at history. What has wars exactly solved? They have been fought for thousands of years, possibly millions if you add the universe and other planets to the mix. Assuming, we live in a sci fi type universe where we are not alone. It is a game however that humanity has repeated over and over again, and all it has caused is suffering.
War, just like the shadow, is a teacher, but humanity has constantly failed to heed its true teachings, and this becomes an everlasting circle of hatred and despair. Vengeance and control will only spawn more vengeance and control. The ultimate insanity has kept humanity from moving forward.
What is insanity?
The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
Extreme foolishness or irrationality.
Let’s try another example, and no pun intended in the following statement. But I’ll participate in this one. Religion, when I think of religion, the thought of Christianity enters the picture. When I think about Christianity, wars come to mind. (However, the same can be said with nearly all religious groups, and don’t get me started on westboro. I will be using Christianity as an example though.)
The other thing that comes to mind, is the crusade’s. What did the the choice of the crusade really contribute to? When I leave my mind open, I gained the following thought:
Christians went on a crusade, and among that they also hung, or killed many people suspected of using magic -witchcraft.
I can only imagine, the Christian knight sitting in his chambers, opening the bible as he reading into the moment when Moses split the ocean in two. Not to mention, the other prophets, visionaries and seers, that were "important" in "history".
Christians went on a crusade, and among that they also hung, or killed many people suspected of using magic -witchcraft.
I can only imagine, the Christian knight sitting in his chambers, opening the bible as he reading into the moment when Moses split the ocean in two. Not to mention, the other prophets, visionaries and seers, that were "important" in "history".
The third step is awareness, now that you are aware that humanity has repeated mistakes over and over, and usually are led by cult leaders. Why not break this chain a moment, and instead of following these “leaders” over the cliff, why not allow the leader to go over the cliff on their own while focusing on being leaders ourselves?
It is illogical to self-harm when nature strives for preservation. So, what’s up humanity? Are you sure you are following the natural “order”?
I myself have fallen victim to self-created circles of inner conflicts. I still have some even as I write this post. However, why not attempt to rise above conflicts on your own?
What are you afraid of?When did you forsake yourselves?
What exactly makes you afraid of yourself?
You cannot deny it the fear of yourself, it is a stranger to you, and we don’t like strangers don’t we?
If you somehow know, that something is harming you, why not think outside the box a moment, and figure out where the conflict is truly coming from? It could very well reside in you. But man keeps on blaming others instead of looking at himself. Taking responsibility for our own actions sucks, we usually are lazy to clean up the garbage we leave behind after all. Other times we fear the outcomes of such actions, because we fear people’s reactions.
Of course even those in power live in fear, they are human after all, (Least I assume they are) they know that an angry mob with pitch and forks may come for them at any time. It is why they are starting to build walls around themselves with all the new laws being placed, and their infringements on people’s rights to privacy. The irony here is, that the great majority tend to do this because of their own self-created fears. We create the monsters that run rampage, and fail to take responsibility for that action, because of what we fear within ourselves.

How exactly are you supporting the system?
What is the life blood of the system?
What is the one thing that keeps the system alive?
What place do you have inside this system?
What exactly are you from the systems perspective?
When you figure that out, you can apply that philosophy to nearly everything in your life, what you contribute to is what your environment will be. Instead of blaming others, it doesn’t matter who, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists, politicians, ninjas,sponge bob, barney, pokemons or whatever. Maybe we can for a change have enough courage, to look at ourselves. What are we really contributing to when we become biased with our choices?
When we become biased, we tend to create conflict because we become divided. In addition, when we become divided we play right into the game of Divide and conquer.
But if you want change, it all begins when we start being honest with ourselves.
We can shape the future, with our decisions and our choices.
We can shape the future, with our decisions and our choices.
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