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Donald Marshall Featured in Megadeth Album |
Ex Illuminati Associate Donald Marshall Whistle-blows the Illuminati
by: The Golden PathEvery now and then I come across a few bits and pieces of information that aren't normally reported in the truth movement. However, having come across similar interviews in the past, this one simply blew my mind.
It is very important to recognize the man in this Megadeth album cover, because you are about to listen to this very man's testimony on the Illuminati, clones, reptilian aliens, and a bunch of other information that people are not fully aware of, nor do they mention it. As with all information, take it as a grain of salt. However; be-warned, you cannot deny this cover, and this man's face being featured in other album covers aswell. It is very important to know this in order to see whether or not you can believe him. If it wasn't for this man's face in these albums and infamous Illuminati art, I would definitely not have believed him, however this is not the case, and his face in these albums is extremely mind-blowing, I had to make an article about it.
Beware of trolls who try to debunk this mans claims. It seems certain people do not want this information out; and there are trolls trying to debunk this through forms of ridicule. Keep in mind, that ridicule is the biggest exploit in human weakness. It is a weapon used to try and dissuade the public. The public tends to believe in the status quo, but watching what is going on with the world, can any of you honestly say you trust your leaders, especially with the world we have today?
Topics Discussed in this Interview & Donald's Website
- 1. Mk Ultra
- 2. Clones
- 3. Vril Reptilians -The Tibetan Secret
- 4. Adolf Hitler - The Man who Sold the world
- 5. Ancient Reptilian Aliens & Tibet, Nazi alliance
- 6. What Really Happened to Britney Spears
- 7. Who are the world leaders involved?
- 8. Body snatching
- 9. Microchip & Immortality
- 10. Celebrity Involvement
- 11. Mind Control
Regardless of your belief system at this time, I ask that you keep the following in mind:
If what he says is true, then there are literally millions of people in these clones facilities being tortured and killed. If anyone remembers the movie "The Island", it gives you an idea on what is really going on behind the curtains, and as some of you already know; movies tend to show how reality is in some way shape or form. Allegories and metaphors are tools used to convey the truth through mainstream. However, because the public has a hard time deciphering allegories and metaphors, it tends to get dismissed as "entertainment" rather than realizing that they are being told a true story.
This is very heartbreaking because people are literally dying due to the public's ignorance. Are you not a human being? If you believe this story is true, then help share and make information go viral. Only with peoples simple action of sharing, can alternative news thrive.
To those who want proof of alien life, all you need to do is look up at the sky. They are there, and many times are hidden away through chem trails. The only thing I have to warn you about this video, is that he mentions the"new age movement" and as some of you already know, the new age movement is part of the new world order and the one world religion.
It is interesting that many new ager's tend to take on the "messiah" mantle, but usually this is mostly due to self worship and narcissistic programmings of the mind. The way to see beyond this deception is by learning some psychology yourself and discerning away from the narcissistic traits. The story of Hitler confirms the reason why there is an epidemic of narcissism around the world along with the Christian and Jewish Persecution.
Donald Marshall Videos
Full Interview
Donald Marshall's Website's
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