Love: The Lost Principles of Being Human

1. Psychological Analysis through observation of human characteristics.(click link, to the emotion thesaurus. The author pieced an extraordinary detailed outlook and psychological analisis on human characterisistics. Extremely useful for both psychologists and novelists. I highly recommend learning some psychology, which will help with discernment.
2. Exposure of the cult mindset. (exposing evil)
3. To bring into awareness the lies manipulating humanity as a whole.
4. To teach morality, ethics and a point of view of being human.
5. Only FACTS are presented. These are NOT theories. Do not confuse TRUTH with “theory”. I am not interested in theories, only facts. Therefor any argument saying otherwise is there for moot. It means: that no matter how much you deny, the truth is unchangeable. If you deny the truth, the problem is not the truth, the problem is clearly you who has a DENIAL of the TRUTH.
By logic: Who is in the wrong?
By psychological analysis, denying the truth is the definition of insanity. Just keep that in mind as you read on.
Everything I expose is the cause of pain. I don’t like pain, though it has helped me grow as a person and spiritually. Pain allowed me to see through the window of the root causes of humanity’s problems, while many turned away and became apathetic to avoid its acknowledgement. But I am not them, nor am I you, and I know that now. I do not agree with you nor this world hurting one another.
This includes any acts or desires for supremacy
- 1. Narcissism (Disorder of the mind, imbalanced schizophrenic. This disorder was seen a lot within Adolf Hitler and his regime. They were sick in the mind. This is why they did the holocaust, which was also funded by the Illuminati/Jesuits)
- 2. Feminism: Main symbol for feminism is Lilith. Lilith is the main symbol of Narcissism. This is why why the Illuminati worship this “goddess”.
- 3. Religion-Religare-to bind or to tie (literal translation)
- 4. Government-Mind-control (Literal Translation)
Re-Introduction to Morals and Ethics - A Revolution of Thought (Re-teaching the basics)
What I am about to propose only takes common sense to understand. It should have been taught in schools, however, the educational system we have is corrupted beyond measures, so it is ultimately up to the parents to teach their children the importance of morals and ethics as well as the importance of care, instead of allowing them to be brainwashed through television, music and video games.
Make no mistake, the reason why there is rape, Gun Violence, or the tree of all evil is because people are violating the Natural Laws. The laws are always being enforced, whether you like it or not with or without your awareness. Let me repeat that, the laws are always being enforced, it means it is active, and alive. It was designed by the creator itself, and it is quite testable if you care to do so.
But I warn you, once you become aware of the laws, you will know, that in reality, you have no free will do “to as you please”. What you do, is what you sow, or; in other words, you reap what you sow. How you treat other people, is how you will be treated. The more victim and denying you do, the more you will suffer. Because you are choosing a false state of mind, you chose your own suffering.
Everything that happens to you, is because of something you yourself did.
For example:
If a Murderer takes the life of a human being. They are Trespassing into their right to live. Sooner or later this murderer will meet cosmic law. The law may proceed into taking his life, or teach him a lesson into taking one of his loved ones, through someone else’s actions.
The murderer in this case, attracted the situation unto himself because he violated the natural laws. See how it works? Natural Law is also represented in gravity, if you jump off a cliff, you will fall and die. The law is absolute, and always active.
Realization of Natural Law, you also realize, you attract your own suffering. However, you can also realize peace, by living in harmony with natural law. Natural law will always remind you through depression, and pain that something is wrong.
You can call this the Holy Spirit, reminding you that what you did was wrong. It is nagging you to the point of extreme sadness and pain, you can either deny it or acknowledge it. But be warned, denying it will only cause it to grow painfully within time. And denial of this pain is the main source of narcissism, because people deny this pain, and develop false pride, they also develop a mental disorder in order to fit in with the rest of society.
What is Society?
Society is a psychological experiment which expanded with the usage of mind controlling memes. Memes eventually develop into culture and it is the ultimate influence, which involve hidden symbolisms and meanings/ subliminal messages/suggestions of thought.
The suggestion of thought is the temptation force that causes humanity to decline in morals and ethics. Depending on the suggestion of such thoughts, which lead people into following impulses, rather than rational thinking with the erroneous belief, that if everyone else does it, then it is okay for them to do so. This is WRONG!
If someone else murders, it is NOT okay for you to do it. If someone else steals, it is NOT okay for you to do it. If the majority steals, it is NOT okay to do it. All you are really doing is being part of the problem, you are being chaos/chaotic.
And this is why I have a problem with nearly every movement out there that trespasses into another person’s life in some way shape or form.
Here is the hurtful truth. You want to know who the Illuminati really are?
Major Spoiler
YOU! Yes, you, are the Illuminati. You who support narcissism, you who support the system, you who support deaths, and destruction, immorality. You who live in denial, and in self-hate. You who blame others instead of looking at yourselves. You who thrive for supremacy at the expense of others. You who thrive to divide the world into conflict. You who create problems, reactions to arrive at false solutions to meet an agenda. You who failed to Honor thy neighbor, in pursuit of false pleasures that are meaningless when it comes to developing true bonds. You who abandoned your children in pursuit of goals, or men who only care about money and power. Money and power is the ultimate evil in this world, but you all are its blood flow. Every single one of you, (myself included) played a part in this systematic destruction of humanity.
We have forgotten to be Moral, We have forgotten to be ethical, and followed the pied piper into the slaughterhouse.
It is time to wake up people, because lala land will not save you. Morals, ethics, compassion, understanding, REASON will. Not the false Illuminati “age of reason”. I mean TRUE reason, reason to know that hurting others, IS WRONG!
No matter what race you are, no matter who you are, simply living by Natural law is ENOUGH to thrive as a species and perhaps finally explore space. For once, I wish humanity to drop their differences, look at one another, and see that ultimately, we are all the same yes, but we have unique qualities that makes us who we are.
Yes we can do what we wish, but by following one simple Golden Rule. Do not do unto others what you do not like to do unto thyself. Why does this one simple concept seem difficult? What happened to love and care? I’m not talking about society’s version of love. (Which is lust. No surprise there since we do live in a Lilith/Satanic/Narcissistic system.) I am talking about true love. True care and true wisdom. To know right from wrong by knowing that by hurting that one person in any way shape or form, you are ultimately hurting yourself.
Love is… when you hurt, I hurt. You wanted to know love? There you go, but words does not do it justice, when the person does not feel it. Yah shu ah taught this. Yah shu taught true love. Why can’t you all feel love then?
Do not mistake lust with love. Lust, always wants something back. Lust is selfish, love is unselfish and a service to others. This is why I write the things I write here. Because I love/care.
I believe in the true feminine power, which is above all power. That power is called care, and empathy, which is why the woman figure is represented as love. However, the Lilith “image” represents the false feminine power, because it is all about manipulation, lust and control. The lust for power is what causes people’s sufferings, because they go against natural law.
Discernment is the Key.
Humanity’s truest nature is that of care. You can acknowledge this within yourself. This is where you start discerning between what is right and what is wrong. This is the key to your freedom, discernment, and it is through discernment that you realize, what insanity is, and what is not. Remember, that anything that goes against natural law, is by definition, insanity. In other words, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Biggest problem both men and women have, is expectations and greed. You must understand, that we live in a psychological manipulated IMMORAL society.
When you see people being repetitive, avoiding facts, or denying historic events with the intent of dismissing facts to advance their agenda, know that you have encountered a person without reason or ethic thinking. In other words, this is an insane person who has failed to look at the world through the eyes of the world. He or she does not have the capability to be a responsible person while within this mindset. This is the mindset of the narcissist and their victims the feminists. Ultimately both only want control and supremacy over others.
Feminism does not represent the true power of the feminine aspect of care, and empathy. Where there is a motive, there is no love. Because love is the most powerful feminine aspect. Yet, there are those who seek to destroy the true feminine aspect, through lust. To you women out there who do know your true power, thumbs up to you. As a male, I find that intellectual, caring, and moral women, to be the most powerful aspect of females. They have the potential to be true leaders of this world and lead people into a better, balanced state of mind. However, it is extremely rare to find this in this world. Try and seek a woman who knows love, and it is like finding a needle in a haystack. (Same vice versa with males; which makes this an almost loveless world.)
Remember, Love is, when you hurt, I hurt. This makes love universal, and not exclusive to partners, but it also involves friends, thy neighbor, and loved ones. Which is why it is so powerful, because it has the power to end WARS.
Love is the way Ladies and gentlemen, and by true definition. The moment we lose our ability to love, is the moment we lose as human beings. The world most people live in is the other side of the looking glass. The side of immorality, the side of Babylon, which is part of the new world order. Ask yourselves why, feminism is being promoted by the United Nations now, ask yourselves why free speech is going to be infringed on.
The United Nations, is the ultimate Violator of the Natural Laws. Those involved with the U.N are part of the “new world order”. You want to help?
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To those who listen to Matt Drudge Report, you will find this interview with him interesting.I agree when he says that people need to speak the truth now before it is too late. We do not have much time left.
To those who listen to Matt Drudge Report, you will find this interview with him interesting.I agree when he says that people need to speak the truth now before it is too late. We do not have much time left.
Truth Projects
Understanding Narcissism-Psychological Analisis
Below is an example of a powerful intellectual woman. We need more like her. THIS is true female power! Bravery, courage, to stand up for what is right. She surpasses both society's males and females.
Intellectual Powerful Woman Speaks Out Against Feminism.
The more the shares, the more the awareness.
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