
Oregon UCC Gunman Targets Christians During Rampage In War Against Christianity

Saturday, October 10, 2015 0 comments

by:The Golden Path

Note: The Christian persecution is one that has continued non stop since it began centuries ago. Now the media is remaining silent on this issue. On top of that, we have a pope announcing a one world religion, which is a one world government.


To those who think this is a "conspiracy theory", your mindset does not help anyone. In fact, pick up the King James Bible, to read about what is really going on, and you will know, that all this is prophecy coming to fruition.

As some of you know, I was an atheist, gone new age for awhile (I was lost), until I studied real history and learned the awful truth that had me in tears weeping for humanity. Why are they persecuting Christians?

  • Christianity is not about religion, it is about the church, we the people are the church.
  • Christianity knows Natural Law; which is none other than the gospels of Yah Shu Ah (Jesus). 
  • Christianity teaches that everyone is sovereign. It means we are not slaves, and we have the right to say no to another human being. There is only one requirement, and that requirement is knowledge, and appliance of the natural laws. (Or the gospels.)

I mentioned this in a couple of articles, that we are the church. You need to pay close attention as to who is promoting violence, and acts of betrayal under the guise of "light". The greatest deception of the devil is masquerading as an angel of light.  Now we have the mainstream media politicizing a tragic event, to pursue an agenda. And barely anyone is talking about what the Gunman said during the shootings.

As a follower of the Gospels and Natural law myself, I find this extremely disturbing, for my safety, and the safety of my family/Christian/Jewish brothers and sisters. Those who know Yah shu ah's words, know, that it was not war he promoted, but it was peace. To honor thy neighbor, but it seems this gunman had other ideas for those who were Christians.

On top of that, there is push for gun control, to leave people vulnerable for such gunman's?

Here is the mainstreams logic:

"People are shooting people everywhere especially criminals who get guns illegally. So let's disarm the public, so that criminals can kill them easier. Even though criminals will get their guns illegally anyways"

Are politicians insane?  The public no longer trusts the Police, which is a shame; because I know many police officers to be genuinely good people. Some I know myself from years of friendships, however, they are law abiding citizens who believe in honor.

As of late, police have been executing unarmed people, which makes the government unreliable & not trust worthy. Don't me wrong though, I am more Anti-Gun than those pushing this agenda. Frankly, the world would be better off without weapons entirely would it not?

  However, such an ideal world would require everyone, including those in power to put their guns aside, but that is not what those in power want. They want YOU to give up your guns, and do what you are told with no questions asked. Are you a puppet to be controlled? Is it not human nature to ask questions?  Since when is asking questions a bad thing?

Fact: Guns don't shoot people, people shoot people. A Gun is a tool, and it is dangerous no matter which hands have it. When you have an anti christian/Jewish government promoting Islamic ideals inside the U.S; know that there is a problem.

Some of you may say,: "but the Zionist's own the media."

 Yes, the Zionist's own the media, but they are not real Jewish, much like the Catholics and their crusades were not real Christians. Zionism is actually political and banking leaders coming from all forms of religious backgrounds. It is the new version of Babylon, and It is NOT to be confused with Judaism. The Catholics worship the spirit of Jezebel. They were never followers of Yah Shu Ah, and now you have the pope come into the U.S to announce the one world religion and to not listen to conspiracy theories.

Well Mr. Francis, there are no theories here. Only facts, to which you ignore and do not address, and a large population of the planet already knows this:

“What Profit has not that Fable of Christ Brought Us!” – Pope Leo X 1513 -1521

What the Media is Not Telling you:

Oregon UCC Gunman Targets Christians: (Video)

What You Won't Hear About the Oregon Shooting




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