By: Paul Hinsberger

- ☯ What is Balance to you?☯
- ☯ Looking at the concept of Yin/Yang, where are you on the spectrum?☯
- ☯ How Balanced is your Life?☯
- ☯When you think of Balance, is it in a straight line like a teeter-totter or is it in a different way?☯
- ☯ Are you watching the direction of your movement? ☯
- ☯ What if your personal teeter-totter was vertical? What would that be like?☯
- ☯ How far apart is your Yin to your Yang?☯
- ☯ How balanced do you like your food? Do you tend to lean more towards Sour than Sweet? More Soft than Hard? More Tender to Chewy? More Bland than Salty? More Cold than Hot? How Balanced is your diet?☯
- ☯White or Black?☯
- ☯ Do you mind that there is no Gray in the above question?☯
- ☯What do you think of Vanilla? What is the opposite of Vanilla to you?☯
- ☯ What part of your Life would you like to have in balance? Has your Life ever known balance? If so, when was that?☯
- ☯How Balanced is your: Beloved? Pet(s)? Boss? How neutral is your evaluation of them? What would they say about you?☯
- ☯ Can you be Balanced and Demanding at the same time?☯
- ☯How Balanced do you find authority figures?☯
- ☯ Can you see both sides of a situation? How different is the view?☯
- ☯What kind of a Judge would you be?☯
- ☯ Is Balance boring and/or dull?☯
- ☯When things in my Life are out of Balance I feel….(fill in the blank)☯
- ☯ From the above question, do you feel that way now?☯
- ☯Does Balance only involve left to right thinking? Can you find balance by moving forward and backward too?☯
- ☯Do you walk a tightrope during the day? When? How often? What would it be like to have the grace of a dancer instead?☯
Here’s to keeping your Balance!
With eyes open and a sure step,
*The earliest reference to Yin and Yang is found in the I Ching (Book of Changes) from approximately 700 BC. In this work, all phenomena of nature and human dynamics have been reduced to Yin or Yang.
Yin= Is female, passive, negative principle in nature.
Yang= Is male, active, positive principle in nature.
Source: Click here
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