Prince the Hero who Exposed Chemtrails Passes Away at 57
The Legendary Singer, & known Hero throughout the truth movement, for his part in exposing the controversial topic of Chemtrails; Prince Rogers Nelson was found unresponsive within an elevator at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota,
Not A Hoax, confirmed by CNN
Paramedics arrived at the scene & tried to revive him, according to Sheriff Jim Olson at Carver County. He was pronounced dead at 10:07 a.m.
While known for his hit songs since the 70's, he also took the truth movement by storm with the revelations of chemtrails while on national television. His revelations opened the eyes of many people throughout the conspiracy topic community, confirming the existence of unmarked planes that released chemicals in forms of trails unto the general public, till date, the mainstream media refuses to investigate the topic of chemtrails, while ridiculing the subject.
Prince Speaks on Chemtrails.
Prince Warning
Prince Speaks on Chemtrails.
Prince Warning
"Prophecy is what we have to go by now."
Heart goes out to his family and the mourning community. He is a Hero, even if many do not know it. Much respect to his courage for speaking out in the home of the braves.
Click here More on Chemtrails
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