
Scientist's Discover Invisible Entities of Antimatter (ITE's)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 0 comments
Scientist's at Thunder Energies Discover Invisible Entities

Those of you who have claimed to seeing ghosts, demons & angels  may find yourselves vindicated after scientists at Thunder Energies Corporation discovered what they call "ITE's" (Invisible Terrestrial Entities) using Concave Lens in their telescopes to detect antimatter in the universe.

This story, published back in January 2016,  brought some some questions and concerns. It implies also that we are not alone.

Excerpts from the Video Interview Below
CEO & Chief Scientist Ruggero M Santilli Ph.D:"We have established the existence of entities existing in our Terrestrial environment, And these entities are completely invisible to our eyes."
W. George Gaines President of Thunder Energies Corp:
"The revolutionary Santilli telescope, is designed to detect antimatter in deep space. By antimatter, we mean an entity with characteristics that are the exact opposite of ordinary matter. Including the index of refraction of light."

Ruggero Continues...
CEO & Chief Scientist Ruggero M Santilli Ph.D:"The question, what those entities are, must be answered by our government; because those entities appear to conduct unauthorized surveillance of rather sensitive civilian industrial s and military installations. "


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