The Truth: The Story on the Assassination of Lavoy Finicum- American Icon Gunned Down by Fed's.
by:The Golden Path / We the People
(This is everyone's story. Please share to Increase Awareness.)
The Truth Lavoy FinicumIn January 26, 2016, Harney County, Oregon, United States, Lavoy Finicum was targeted and assassinated by the FBI. Lavoy Fincum throughout the video is heard repeatedly stating, "We are going to meet the sheriff, you can escort us and talk to us there."
The meeting with the sheriff was arranged the night prior to Lavoy's assassination. Though rumors say; that the FBI was wire tapping their communication. If this is true, then this implies an ambush, which is pretty obvious to many who research into corruption.

If you take a good look at the curve just before the roadblock on the icy road at Oregon. Lavoy could not see the road block coming. The roadblock within itself should be considered excessive use of deadly force.
In the next image, a very suspicious agent throws himself into Lavoy's moving vehicle.
Full Heartbreaking Video (Warning, Extremely Disturbing).
Source Videos: The Oregonian
Ryan Bundy cell phone video from Inside LaVoy Finicum's truck
Source: The Oregonian
Slow-motion video of gunshot FBI allegedly LIED about in LaVoy Finicum confrontation
Source Video: The Oregonian
On day before his death, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum spoke about potential encounters with feds
Source; The OregonianLavoy Finicum"s Funeral: The Last Ride Of A Patriotic Cowboy
Mainstream Media will tell you, this man is a Terrorist, but in reality, this man is an American Icon, the traditional American Cowboy, just like the eagle is the symbol of the U.S, so is the cowboy.This American icon was murdered by a foreign entity called the Feds.
Take a good look at the Funeral below, does this look like a Funeral for a terrorist? What was Lavoy fighting for? Answer: Our rights, our freedom, our constitution which is the law of the land. Lavoy Finnicum was passionate about the law, as any cop should be, since after all, they swear an oath to obey and protect the constitution. When you join the army, you swear an oath to obey and protect the constitution and the United States from entities/enemies foreign & domestic.
A Nation Mourns A Fallen Lawful Hero.
Source : Pete Santilli Show5 elite national FBI agents under criminal investigation for shots fired at LaVoy Finicum and possible cover-up
"(INTELLIHUB) — One or more FBI agents from a special “elite national unit” are suspected of lying about shots that were in fact fired at Oregon Occupier, rancher and family man LaVoy Finicum while he and others were en route to meet with the Sheriff of a neighboring county on Jan. 26, and are currently being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice." Read More Click
Reactions Across the Nation the Awakening
Alex Jones
A Tribute Song, In Memory of Lavoy Finicum. Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi
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