Introduction of The Golden Path, Paul Revere; The Allegory Behind many Alternative Media Networks
By: The Golden Path
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"The red coats are coming" Famous phrase, from Paul Revere |
Main Reason:
The purpose of this work is to get you, the reader to develop critical thinking so that you the reader research more into it. Think of this Media as the Modern day Paul Revere. The messenger gives you a message & presents you the facts, it is up to you to research & verify those facts. Remember, as an avid researcher, it is the facts you want to look for while ignoring the propaganda along with the political correctness; which only spreads more confusion. Facts brings you to truth. Propaganda does not.
History is full of facts, and because at present, there are many lies within the mainstream media, our best bet to find any form of truth is to travel back (through research) in time to the past. In a time where christian principles were more present and people were more moral. Real history, not the ones taught in history class in high school, is full of surprises. There is no greater surprise than when you discover things for yourselves.
However, lies still have a hold unto the general public, dividing people against one another because one's reality of perception is not the same as those within the norm of society. That can't be helped, we generally attack those who disturb our comfort zones. But to the most part; it is programming done by others, but perhaps the most dangerous of all mindsets, is the naive mind.
Why is being naive an extremely dangerous mindset? Because a person who is naive will try to be the "good shepard" in whatever he or she was programmed with. You live within a giant psychological experiment, and because it is a psychological experiment, it may take psychology and other skills in our arsenals to fully see the full spectrum of the lies we live in. However, there are those who will try to debunk the information either out of fear, or ignorance. These people remind me of Gally in the movie maze runner who was both Ignorant & Fearful, and as a result, tried to get in the way of the people seeking truth & freedom. Usually these people meet up with strong karmic results for doing so. Their own fear usually transforms them into villains.
How to Use This Media Tool
This Alternative Media & Education Center; expresses real stories & compares them with Allegories. Allegories can be present within movies, stories and songs. Artists, generally express themselves in forms of allegories or metaphors. They express what they see in the world through their own eyes. Allegories & Metaphors are extremely useful in order to compare scientifically (using the traditional scientific method) between stories to see the patterns within them. Once you have unlocked the pattern & similarities between stories, things start to become clearer.
Everything that is stated anywhere, should be researched thoroughly before arriving at any form of conclusions. It is very important NOT to be biased and see things from all perspectives while aligning yourselves with the essences of morality, care & common sense. Contrary to popular beliefs, common sense is in fact not that common
This Media also promotes other users & their works, because they too deserve to have their voices heard. In a sense, this is my attempt to unite those voices to bring them to the front line so the audience can see for themselves that those who are still in the dark, are actually becoming the minority. The numbers of views & likes throughout linked videos should tell you that there is a great awakening taking place across the globe. Some misguided through the new age movement, which is plan B of the new world order. (More on this later articles , however not a promise. you can however see the already available information. Click New Age Deception.)
In some cases, when linking to videos, there will be little to no commentary, because commentary or writing article length-ed words only distract you from the actual content. So please feel free to hit play right away, and if possible subscribe to those specific users. These contents will be labeled as "shared", no different than a Facebook timeline post. I feel that if I write too many words like many mainstream media do, it will only serve as a way to distract you from the actual content.
This Media Presents information expressed by people from all sorts of backgrounds & religions. Although many people speak half truths, it is important to notice what is true and what is not. Even a video (for example) with half truth's can be useful, but it needs discernment. This is why, it is highly encouraged to take everything you read, see & hear as a grain of salt. Bookmark it, put in in the background somewhere until you verify these truth's. The truth has it's own sense of timing by revealing itself in forms of patterns. Once more, the purpose of this Media is to provide you with the tools necessary for you to do your own research and have you become your own detective & investigator. I also encourage everyone to study some form of psychology, especially if you are already an avid researcher. Psychology will give you eyes to see through deceptions & manipulations. Stay vigilant.
Is this Alternative Media Being Paid?
No, despite the ads placed on this website, there has been zero compensation (though that can change). Reason: people dislike ads so they rarely click on them. But that is okay, because the way this author see's it, I have a debt to pay through a service to others.
That and my general distaste towards money as a whole bars me from fully focusing on any forms of income. It does not feel right, and I'd rather live without the guilt in poverty than to be rich and miserable.
Am I close to being on the streets like a homeless man? The answer is yes, because I currently reside in an area where the economic depression is getting worse. I, like many other people, have nothing to lose and nothing to really gain other than a clear conscious. In this I thrive for peace of mind, which for me is far more valuable than the thing called "Money". My own witnessing on how people turn on one another for this piece of paper has left a bitter taste in my mouth. The more I witness people fighting over it, the more I grow to have distaste for it.
However, do not be surprised if this Media is brought to a halt in the near future, due to poverty or martial law. In whichever case, I may in the end pass on ownership to someone who is more resourceful and much more flexible economically. So that they continue the work and index the alternative media as a whole. Even if I do not complete this, it is my hope that someone else does. Because it is very important at this time, that the alternative media put aside their differences and Unite, both their resources and audiences into one unstoppable force. Only together can we beat corruption. Alex Jones, AMTV, WeAreChange, Daboo77, David Icke etc, are NOT the only one's spreading information.
Uniting The Alternative Media into One Massive Force
Although, slightly a rant, it bothers me greatly that the Alternative Media have made no attempts whatsoever to unite as far I can see. AMTV is an exception, because they did mention WeAreChange in one of Christopher's Greene's reports. However, I am talking about creating a network of indexing the alternative media. So, why not take the idea & matters into one's own hands? This is the author's approach on not being lazy. (Yes pun intended towards the Alternative Media, to leave it up to the poor man to do the work they should have done from the start.)
If the Idea is to Unite the public, why are they NOT doing so by uniting forces? If any readers have contact with them, let them know about this article/introduction to the Golden Path. Because I want to know the answer to this question as well.
Don't be a hoarder, and help other alternative media grow. If you become successful in anything, is it not your responsibility to lift others up?
ANONHQ for example is another resource of Alternative Media, though a bit more shady, and at times their info may be slightly inaccurate, but they are still trying. Comparing them to mainstream media however, the anonymous site is a saint. This does not mean I support them, however, it only means I respect what they are trying to do. But even anonymous is hardly trustworthy because they themselves have been infiltrated by the FBI and CIA. So there is a big chance it could very well be a trap, but a way to discern from this is to research the facts.
To those Debunking Information Because "It's YouTube"
This is perhaps, the most stupidest, ignorant & irresponsible reason/statement to debunk any type/form of information. In fact, this is actually a form of political correctness & ridicule to try and drive you away from looking into things for yourselves. YouTube, like television (tube) is a means for communication. It is a Media within itself with audio & visuals.
What better way to find the truth, than to hear them, see them, for ourselves? This is what YouTube brings to the table. It is called evidence, and evidence are facts. When someone speaks something, it can and will be held against them. Remember these words; because when a law enforcement officer arrests you, he recites these words while putting on the cuffs. If you hear them say it, if you see them say it, hey people guess what? When someone shows you their true colors, you better believe them.
How else to present a message, after laying all the cards on the table. The overall true purpose of this Alternative Media & Indexing, is so you can see what we are doing to one another. The crazy events we see & generally pass on as entertainment, but when you really look deep into it, there is real pain here. People crying out for help, and yet, the voices go unheard because somewhere along the lines, society forgot to be moral, forgot to be caring genuine individuals, but in the present pretending to be something they're not.
Where is humanity?!! Where is the dream we all once shared at some point in our lives? And if you haven't had a dream; where is your desire to see a better world?
I would think, that a superior species, would be able to empathize with many beings. Yet, the ego of the many disallows the empathy to grow, and we become destructive to both ourselves and within nature. This is what it means to be a virus, a destructive force that consumes anything around us.
The knowledge of being compared to a virus should be infuriating; because we are all better than this. But we still act superior in competition of one another. While others have other motive's that only God knows which. This world has become too naive, and so fearful that somehow we become victims, whiny babies instead of becoming strong by enduring & caring about principles of life.
Life should be something precious, and yet we waste it on poor choices. We hurt and lie to one another, instead of being genuine and honest. Everyone is running away from something even the elites, who run away from themselves.
What this Media really represent.
The Alternative Media the Golden Path Represents the will of We the People. It is not just one individual, it is a collection of individuals expressing their concerns on events transpiring across the globe. You can call it the collective conscious, or whatever you want. It is a tool, used to bring to light what people are witnessing & expressing.
What this Media does NOT represent:
This media is not Liberal, Conservative, "Democrat" nor does it represent the republicans & any propaganda labels. (though it should represent true republicans, in the sense that it does represent the real republic of the United States & it's sacred law, the U.S Constitution.)
Know Your Rights: Read the United States Constitution (Based on Natural Law) & Forget Politicians. Stick by the thing that gives You True Freedom & become the Modern Day Paul Revere.
"When there is chaos and doubts, it's time to return to our true roots."The Sacred Document's below, is what all true Americans should align to. Not the politicians, though I do like what Donald Trump says, I admit I do not fully trust him. I trust Yeshua (Jesus) first, before I will trust anyone else. Because Yeshua was right about many things. Especially on how to love one another through mutual respect & morality. Which is what Natural Law (The Golden Rule, or The Golden Path represents.)
Direct Link:
Listen to true Knowledge, The First & Most Important Information that you Need to Know. This is what The United States Constitution Represents Natural Law.
by: BilltheWhittleChannel
Direct Link to this very Important Information:
20 Lies for you To verify & Google for yourself.
by: YouMustWakeUp
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