Age of Jezebel: Living In The Age Of ANYTHING GOES! (2016)
By: TheScariestMovieEver

Christian, Illuminati-conspiracy Researcher & Journalist; KJ from the channel thescariestmovieever on youtube, breaks down a very disturbing story on a trend going on in the world. The feminization of men & the rise of babylon.
In the bible, this is known as the Jezebel Spirit, lilith, astarte. in the end times.
I hesitated on posting this report, because even this blogposter is incredibly shocked-scared beyond the capacity for rational thought. This has honestly got to be the most disturbing story I ever heard up till now.
Good job, KJ for reporting this, sometimes it is not easy for journalist's to expose these stories. The more research done the stronger the facts, the more difficult it gets to even mention it. This is called facing reality, and this certainly is not normal.
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