by:The Golden Path
As the world grows darker, and the false light of propaganda & politics takes over the minds of the people around you. It get's harder and harder to breathe the more the walls close in on us, and our own tower begins to crumble.
This tower called ego, which was built around lies, fear and lust. We thought we had it good, the freedom to do anything we wanted. To treat anyone how we wanted, with no consequences. However, is it really without consequences? Or was there a price to pay?
On occasion, I get lost within the realm of video gaming. Within that realm, I can't help but observe how people treat one another, and how the loathing insults are shot left and right, without truly knowing who the other person is deep inside. Many of these people have gone through so much pain themselves, that they created walls upon walls to protect their own hearts from being hurt. That is understandable, given the world we live in. It hurts, and no one likes pain do we?
But who is the one to blame for all of this corruption in the world we live in? Who is really responsible for what is happening in the world? Is it really the elites? The secret occult? Who gave power to these people in the first place? To know that answer, one must simply look into the mirror.
Even the Devil, can be a great teacher, if you really learn to listen and observe. The Devil lacks love, the Devil lacks care, in other words the Devil lacks heart, the Devil represents what YOU are NOT deep within yet, she/he/it is YOUR reflection. In other words, your own reflection is what you do to other people. Which brings up a very old saying; what you do is what you get.
A phrase that many people use occasionally which made me ponder a lot, is the phrase "who cares?"
I see this commonly used by many people when others bring out important issues with regards to how the real world works. Usually these people use this phrase to try and recruit others into agreeing with them. It raises the question as to why would a person do this. In a sense, the Devil is working through the ego to destroy care within people, and have them become ravaging beasts instead. However, The Devil is simply a scapegoat to be blamed away from those who really are responsible for all of this.
I believe God shows us our patterned- errors in order to change them, and teach others. I say this mostly because I myself see my own past reflection as being part of what is wrong with the world. Simply put, I used to NOT care and I also recruited people into not caring because I was hateful myself. It took great pain and losses to realize this personal truth. Sometimes our own tower of babel needs to be destroyed in order to see things with new light, even if that light is a truth no one really wants to hear, no one wants to be judged, we all want to see ourselves as "perfect" and incapable of EVIL, yet we do evil every day when we stop caring.
Who ever taught you not to care has performed the biggest con on you. They have robbed you of who you really are, and your identity. Do you want any proof?
Why do we cry in silence when we witness happy endings in movies and YET, dry our tears so noone would notice?
What part of us is it that secretly enjoy seeing others being happy, yet peer pressure of uncaring individuals causes us to scold them through jealousy?
These two questions represents the angel and demon metaphor on your shoulders. Perhaps not the best clue, but a clue none the less. One of them is you, the other is NOT. Why should we dry our tears when they are genuine and true? Why do we resort to jealousy instead of witnessing our brothers and sisters having communion? Community comes from genuine communion with one another, yet many try to destroy any form of communion. This goes higher up towards the controllers, but the real power is at the base that holds the controllers in place. This base, is the beast, in other words, the people are the beast and destroyers of themselves, and this is the revelation of revelations.
You are Currently the Foundation Stone of the Uncaring Beast System.
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Being part of this, Is called Aiding and Abetting. You are just as guilty of supporting this as "they" are. "Key" Discern away from this. |
Through countless hours of research, and careful analysis, I concluded that I was more afraid of the people than I am those in power. When you look at people's actions today, how they have unleashed the beast within themselves, along with how they try to achieve what they want at the expense of others, this becomes apparent on who the real enemy of humanity truly is, the mirror that we worship.
The more you think about it, the more you realize, how caring is truly a rare thing in this world. For one brief moment, no matter who you are, something lights up in you when you see a genuine act of care, only to fade away shortly after, and you continue on your way.
Then there are the rare occasions during armed robberies when that self-less person screams out, "HE'S GOT A GUN!" which draws attention to himself while everyone ducks for cover. What exactly pushed this person to sacrifice himself to warn others? What FORCE could possibly have brought this person to bypass his ego tendencies for self survival, into an UN-selfish act in order to protect and save others through his own self-sacrifice?

Whether you believe the stories or not, the allegory and the message still applies. the point is to reveal this mysterious force within people which has become so rare in this world, yet we have become too blinded to see it.
"What your heart treasures is where you will be."
This phrase, perhaps a key to knowing thyself made me wonder on what I myself treasured. But to know this, I had to shut off the noise and distractions and became truly honest with myself by asking questions such as, "What hurts me? Why am I Sad? Why am I not Happy?." How am I responsible for what occurs around me?
The more you ask, the more you will find, and the more it will hurt. But why does it hurt? We've been taught to reject and numb our pains. But our pain speaks to us, if we CARE to listen. This again shows, that Care is more than just a phrase, more than just a word. It has a presence within itself, an unexplained presence, which has become so rare in this world. You can equate it to love, if you wish, but to care about people is to love through mutual respect. Which brings up an old, yet active law called "Honor thy neighbor as you would yourself." The glue that happens to hold this law together happens to be care. Caring about this specific law, is caring about those around you, as you would yourself.
By protecting others, even through self sacrifice you also protect yourself. But this world has gone backwards into the dark ages of babylonic beliefs where it is all about the self. (Which is also a Satanic Belief among-st satanists.) Solipsism "Survival of the fitest," "Only the strong" are phrases of conquering others, and it is not caring.
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(Anti-Christ Teaching) |
Don't you find it odd, that those who claim to be strong, also try their hardest to convince you that caring is a weakness? Yet it is caring, that unites us and gives us our biggest strength within the TRUE unity spectrum. Kick a dog in public, for example, and see what happens to you.
Then there are those that try to divide the people into labels and brands that they create in order to further spread confusion and fear. those brands which become the idols and centers of worship, logos and symbols, like religion has done in the past without learning from their mistakes. People fall for this nonsense without realizing the consequences of such worship. There is another word for worship, it is called fanaticism. Are you currently a fan of something? Remember, what you treasure is where your heart will be.
Atheism, science, governments are also religions within themselves. religions are infamous institutions for attacking others for their beliefs. religion and care are like oil and water the more you think about it. One side is of worship, the other is the way of life. Which seems more natural, or false to you? To care, is to value life, which leads to life. And yet, the world is heading towards death, isn't it?
Why is the world turning away from care? What exactly IS care? Try and ponder, and visualize it without putting an image into it. What do you feel?
Perhaps this is what repentance is. To realize we were wrong, and what we did brought consequences not only to ourselves, but those around us.It is the ugly truth of knowing that we have taken part in corruption which has dire consequences for the future of humanity. However, there is always, a choice. And that reminder is Yeshua who had the Holy Spirit of CARE.
This article's purpose is only to leave bread crumbs for you to figure out the bigger picture. There is no bigger surprise than when you discover things through your own eyes. But beware, Babylon is rising, and time is running short.
The Clock is Ticking
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