
Powerful Message: From Gavin Seim "Despite My Fears I stand for Liberty"

Thursday, April 14, 2016 0 comments

Powerful Message: From Gavin Seim "Despite My Fears I stand for Liberty"

by: Gavin Seim

Powerful Scene From Pump up the Volume (1990)

Truth and spreading it's message is more powerful than bullets!

We can all learn something from this scene bellow. It shows, no matter how small the man is, he can make a big impact.

Click Play, & Share these two messages. Thing's look grim?  Good news, you have nothing to lose, but your fight is not yet over. Rise and speak your truth against corruption!

The Future depends on the truth to be set free, not hidden nor obscured. It is the most powerful sword to wield that can stop bullets if used righteously. 

Wear the armor of God, and  expose those who bring the world into darkness.

Ephesians 5:11 "11Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead  expose them;"
What is within us? The Truth

"Everybody Dies Sally. The trick is to Die Well"


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