The Golden Path Playlist

This Playlist Includes:
Reports From Many Sources Within The Alternative Media
Must Watch Documentaries, Illuminati, Jesuits, Anonymous, Vaccines, Health, Science, Religion,
Commentary Reports from Real Human Beings. (Yes they Exist)
Sources Surprisingly Coming From Mainstream (Use this to confirm.)
UFO Sightings/Reports
Celebrities Speaking Out
Real Historic Documentaries
Real Cures to "incurable" Diseases
Psychology -Crash course Sources which will help you see through lies, manipulation & tactics.
The Answer as to who really did 9-11 (Israeli Art Students See Here) (More Sources Click Here) Just to get that OVERLOOKED UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE, out of the way. Find out; Before the half truths of the 28 pages comes out.
Rothchilds & the Illuminati
Rothchilds Funding Adolf Hitler
Cern Reports (Antimatter beings & anomalies)
Movie References for Allegories & Metaphors (Must Keep an Open Mind)
Lifeforce 1985 Tells the story of the fallen (Alien Vampires or Nephilim. This movie is referencing to Jezebel, the womb, lilith, babylon the mother. )
News reports New & Old (Will Update this regularly)
Note: To see the whole playlist click on the top left to expand.
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The Play List Begins With the Revelation as to WHO were Behind 9-11. Before the 28 pages Comes out, this must be Shared.
The Purpose of this post, is to bring to the table all the cards into one place, a single point of truths and a massive source for you the reader to look into. This author has alot to say, but I fear time may be short. Instead, I created a powerful playlist, which must be watched through an open mind in order to unlock the full mysteries.
The truth is, to reveal everything I know, would take me over a hundred articles and & possible three (assuming) books worth of over 400 pages with resources and evidences. The job of this site is to provide you with resources which hands over facts even through half truth's. There will come a time where you may be overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions. However; it is important that you endure until the end.
As you will see; many past predictions such as those from Alex Jones have come true. Even predictions made within the King James bible.
Below, I invite you into the unseen world, and if you are new at this, strap on your seat belts because it will be a bumpy ride. You will be attacked, you will be hated, for speaking out the truth, through both deniers & those who are guilty of a crime against humanity Plus their paid troll minions. However, make no mistake, we too are to blame because we went along with this & supported this corruption. The blame ultimately falls upon ourselves due to choice & cause and effect.
Whether you are atheist, liberal, emo, black, white Muslim, Jewish, christian, (or any other label), it makes no difference. This is about humanity & morality. The choices we make do have consequences, and below is the result, the mistake humanity made. But you can detach from that, and follow the path of righteousness, truth & honor. To be righteous is to be compassionate. To be compassionate is to care, & to care is to have principles that values life, morals, ethics & common sense.
There is no other enlightenment (other than Lucifer) awaiting at the end of the new age/new world order tunnel. The only real enlightenment is the truth on what we are doing to one another, and how we can stop it by following the law of morality.
Below, is possibly one of the largest collections of video resources & documentaries (which will be updated frequently). There is too much to tell & so little time which is why the decision was made to do this.
Within the time frame between you reading this and observing the resources below; alot will happen, and you will become aware of what is unfolding before your very eyes. But you, who read this will know more than the average person. It is a blessing & a curse, you weild the sword of truth, but it cuts both ways because seeing & observing this is not easy. It is painful beyond measure, but it must be known to truly become vigilant while learning from the mistakes of those around us. It is a responsibility to undertake this knowledge, a burden, yet a powerful hope.
It is important to kill the fake self (ego), the false ego which is tied to that realm of governmental programming. I will spoil the ending to that story, instead of allowing you to torture yourself going around in circles. It simply means you need to grow up and face the facts that many things you learned in high school was a lie, and what is now before you represents a choice you must undertake. Either to continue living the lie, or face the facts that there IS something very sinister going on. It is both physical & spiritual, but mainly spiritual forces manifested thanks to we the people.
Blaming others is a waste of time, because you yourself are also to blame, just like this author is for supporting the system of death. We all are foundations stones for this system, but we can all choose to remove ourselves through a massive awakening force. This is why this message needs to go viral as fast & furiously as possible.
You can become part of the giant wave of truth by simply sharing, teaching, taking actions, spreading truth, joining groups on any social media with the purpose of spreading awareness
Expect to be attacked, but know that you are doing what is morally right. Keep going, don't stop, in order to be successful at anything, you must keep at it and become so good at what you are doing that it will be hard for those to deny or ignore you, especially when you become a beacon & the weilder of truth.
I guarantee you, that if you do just that; that alone is overcoming your ego, through a moral act. That alone is called making a difference. Sharing these messages & articles is expanding the human mind. Noone is perfect, and to seek perfection is actually seeking our own death. It is time to stop, and look at ourselves and each-other & see what we do to one another.
Many sources & commentary comes from the unlikeliest of places. So keep an open mind & listen carefully without being biased. The most important thing is to develop critical thinking, using the scientific method & common sense while applying morality & empathy. Many of these sources will not be easy to hear, even I struggled through this due to what I was previously conditioned to, until the puzzle pieces fell into place & presented me with with the bigger picture. Everything is linked to one another & this is what this single post is about. A post that must be shared with family & friends.
Again, forget all labels, this is about humanity & morality. It is my hope, no matter what your views are, that you are able to comprehend & empathize with the full magnitude on what is transpiring in this world. We need more care in this world, because the few that do care are small in numbers, even though the growing awareness of this information is actually the great majority.
A brief Guide on How to Use this Website Click Here
Check Back Regularly For More Updates on This Playlist
In all fairness you are inheriting what I know & what I plan on hopefully leaving behind when the time comes that I am no longer able to assist in the truth. Truth is my passion, and I usually follow my intuition when someone comes at me with a lie. I hope, for your sakes, you all do the same. We are all human beings capable of compassion. It is empathy & care that makes up a superior species due to having their morals in check.
The Truth Becons you Forth, Will you just stand still? Even if our end was imminent, that is not an excuse to not put up a fight. Think of this, as the last Stand. Will you go down while hiding? Or will you pick up the sword of truth and help spread awareness like never before in the history of mankind?
To Those Who are Hiding & Scared
Guess what people! If the end is imminent, then there is nothing to lose, and if there is nothing to lose, that means there is nothing to fear! It also means, you have a choice either to die well, or die hiding. Even if they do what they do, the truth, the message is what's important. It must be passed on at all costs! The Truth must remain within range of the light & not buried. Which reminds me, the other purpose of this resource is to show those who read this, that those who are awakened are actually the majority. Ignorance is becoming the minority. In other words, the silent majority is rising, there is still hope.
Knowledge is Useless if it is not Shared. This is the Truth Mind Nuke.
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