by: Humanity

This man is responsible for many of the mind control programs today. A man who is highly praised by those in power. He even has a character named after him in the hit show Supernatural.
Quote from the Article Linked Below
"Crowley obviously the guru of modern Satanism (and mentor of many rock groups) taught in his magick handbook, Magick in Theory and Practice, for the occultist, It's known as “the law of reversal” “. . . let him learn to write backwards. . .” In many Satanic churches they will recite the Lords prayer but they will start with “Amen” and say “Nema” and then recite the whole prayer backwards.Read More Here : Aleister Crowley: The Most Wicked Man in the World
“. . .train himself to think BACKWARDS by external means, as set forth here following.
(a) Let him learn to write BACKWARDS. . .
(b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS. . .
(c) Let him. . . listen to phonograph records REVERSED
(d) Let him practise speaking BACKWARDS. . .
(e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS. . .”
(Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639"
“. . .train himself to think BACKWARDS by external means, as set forth here following.(a) Let him learn to write BACKWARDS. . .(b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS. . .(c) Let him. . . listen to phonograph records REVERSED(d) Let him practise speaking BACKWARDS. . .(e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS. . .”(Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639"
Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947
” The self-aggrandizing Crowley called himself “the Great Beast 666” and many other tongue-in-cheek apocalyptic titles. The British press dubbed him “The Wickedest Man in the World,”
More Information on this man Click Here
Full Biography/Documentary Below
Supernatural (T.V Show) Character Named After Crowley- Ironically called the "King of Hell" within the Series.
Part of Predictive Programming, the show attempts to get people to sympathize with this character. I know many of you are a fan of this show, but the truth still remains. It IS part of the agenda, to get you to accept demonic influences in your life willingly or unknowingly.
The Beatles Displayed Aleister as one of their Heroes in their Album Cover.
The Beatles, Aleister Crowley, The Illuminati and Justin Bieber.
Information by: futhermucker1
TheWingedBeatle - 2012 Extended Version - Widescreen Full Movie (mentioned in the video above)
Documentary: Aleister Crowley & the Occult - The Wickedest Man In the World!
Now you know why the satanic messages in many songs were played in "reverse" inside many hit songs. This however is the tip of a gigantic iceberg. Aleister Crowley is not alone with regards on who has influenced society. Albert Pike, the Rothchilds, the Rockefeller's, George Soros, Adolf Hitler, the Pope (Francis and many others before him.) All fall under the same category of Aleister Crowley. Adam Weishaupt the founder of the order of the Illuminati; was a Jesuit before he founded the order. (See a brief clip Below from the Christian Documentary (Must Watch for all) "Know your Enemy"
Adam Weishaupt Explained in "Know Your Enemy" by the Fuel Project
See Full Documentary
It is important you research the backgrounds of these people thoroughly and their impacts throughout history. Understanding what these people have done, would give you eyes to see what exactly is happening in today's "society".
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