Natural Law is Above Sharia Law-The U.S Constitution is Based on Natural Law
Commentary by: The Golden pathSource by
Natural law,the golden rule, the ten commandments, the law of one. It is based on God's laws, and not the laws of men. There is a false claim saying that Sharia law can override the U.S constitution, when this is in fact FALSE.
Sharia can never overrule the Natural laws of God, which was originally given to Moses, & written within the U.S constitution by the founding fathers. This is what makes the U.S a Christian Nation. Those rebelling against the constitution are in fact in rebellion against God. You've been deceived into thinking it was laws created by man, but when you see it's origins, it traces back to Moses & even Yeshua.
The New World Order is hell bent on dismantling the constitution, because it is God that stands in the way of Lucifer's reign. If you favor Sharia and not Natural Law, you are in Rebellion against God .
"For as God, when he created matter, and endued it with a principle of mobility, established certain rules for the...direction of that motion; so, when he created man, and endued him with freewill to conduct himself in all parts of life, he laid down certain immutable laws of human nature, whereby that freewill is in some degree regulated and restrained, and gave him also the faculty of reason to discover the purport of those laws.
The Founders DID NOT establish the Constitution for the purpose of granting rights. Rather, they established this government of laws (not a government of men) in order to secure each person's Creator endowed rights to life, liberty, and property." Read More
Know your rights, and know what the U.S constitution is based on. This Article is in response to the following video of Muslims claiming Sharia is above the United States Constitution. This article is to debunk the Muslims claim, because the U.S was funded upon the principles of God, not the laws of men. Even the politicians inside the United States have forgotten this FACT.
2016 USA Muslims in America favor sharia law over USA constitutional Law
Confused Muslims, think the United States Constitution is based on laws of men. Deceived most likely by corrupted U.S politicians and Mainstream Media. Natural Law is above Shariah, & if you know who Moses is, then you should think twice on what you go against.Direct Link:
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