Anti-Christian, Racist & Genocidal Pope Francis Compares Jesus to Terrorist Group Isis & tells Europe to Breed with Refugees
by:The Golden PathVideo Sources by: Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, The Fuel Project
Please also see: The Coup Detat-Invasion of America
This Documentary- FACTUAL Article Covers many topics at once and pieces the jigsaw puzzle together.
The pope's recent statement has raised great stir within the Christian community. However, this is not just about Christianity, it is in fact about the human species as a whole. Even if you are not a Christian, this statement should also concern you, because this statement is not only anti christian, but also very racist since it is calling for complete Genocide through breeding of the Europeans & refugees.
This is the true form of "Multiculturalism". It was never about different races living together, (which would be a good thing, if peace, moral law & mutual respect was a factor.) However that is not the case here & it is not what the powers that be want. They get you to believe it is all about world peace, but in reality they are the wolves in sheeps clothing working towards a very sinister agenda; a one world order, one world religion and possibly even one race. This is basically the extinction of Blacks & whites being mixed or killed into oblivion. Whether you believe the holocaust happened or not, this call from the pope would be the equivalent of a modern day version of the holocaust. Can you support a holocaust part 2? You are no different than Adolf Hitler if you say yes, so be wary of your own words & thoughts.
If you think those in power are correct, while holding on to your moral values, you better read on until the end of this article. This is much bigger than most people think.
This is not about right wing vs left wing, democrat vs republicans nor about hate speech. This is about the truth, and that truth is about a secret society (or the hidden hand)which is hell bent on destroying all governments, all religions all races in order to bring about a new world order. But know this, Islam will also be abolished in the process. (If you Muslims think you are safe, you place your trust in the Devils hands. You ultimately reap what you sew.)
The Catholics & Islam are one and the same with one another. Those of you familiar with Albert pike, 33rd degree Freemason, will note his words:
Albert Pike, 33rd degree Grand Mason Quote:
"We control Islam, & we will use it to destroy the west." Sources Click here
Hey Islam, you are being controlled by the very thing you preach out against, how does that make you feel? Google translate: يتم التحكم الإسلام من قبل اليسوعيون الكاثوليكي والماسونيين.
To the black community: can you honestly support the extinction or your own race? Same question applies to whites. Can you honestly support a man who wants to aid in a one world order under supreme elite rule where you have absolutely no rights, nor voice? Can you live in a world where your mind is microchip ed & controlled in the same way you control a character within a video game? If the answer is no, then you better start taking this seriously and do your research into what the facts are. It is the facts that should be listened to, not the opinion that has no facts or validity. An opinion that attacks & character assassinates with no facts to back up the claim is called fanaticism.
- the quality of being fanatical."the dangers of religious fanaticism"
What is being done around the world is called a culling of specific races, specific religions & specific nations. The anti-christian comment made by pope Francis automatically puts him within Anti-Christ views. This isn't an empty claim. Common sense alone, allows you to put 2 + 2 together.
Anti-christian Comment against Jesus = Anti-Christ. It is simply common sense based on facts to arrive at this conclusion. And if you think otherwise, then you are allowing your emotional fanaticism to override your logic.
Which brings a question into mind.
Could Francis be the fulfillment of a long awaited prophecy on the arrival of the "black pope"?
Ancient Malachy Prophecy:
"When the White Pope and the Black Pope (Head of the Jesuits or an Anti-Pope) shall die during the same night, then there will dawn upon the Christian nations the Great White Day."
Black Pope
"Black Pope" is a derogatory nickname given to the Superior General usually by the media
(and never used by the Jesuits themselves).
The name comes partly from the color of the plain black priest's cassock, worn by members of the Society, including the Superior General, partly from a past concern (most prominent around the 16th and 17th centuries) amongst Protestant European countries concerning the relative power of the Jesuits within the Roman Catholic Church, and partly because the Superior General is elected for life.
Pope Francis Likens Jesus To ISIS!! 5/18/16 Full Show
Direct link:
Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of 'Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired' Germans
What is happening in Germany, will also happen in the United States. Unless the United States wake up to the incoming invasion. (which is promoted by Hillary Clinton & Barrack Obama, who himself is a Muslim (He claimed to be christian before, but now he is Muslim ...)Quotes From Muslim Scholar In the Video Below:
"Being German will mean having a migration background in the future."
"This is what German will mean in the future! No more blue eyes, light hair & claiming "we are all German."
"being German will also mean wearing a Muslim Headscarf, having dark hair. This is what being German means today!"
Germany Stephanie Von berg Quote:
"I want to make it very clear to the right wingers, this is a good thing!"
Good for who? The people who desire freedom or the New World NAZI order? Don't forget Angela Merkel Censoring truths about Refugees raping German women. Using the game of thrones Allegory, this is called a Sacking after an invasion.
Do Americans Want to Be sacked? Do American females want to be raped? DO YOUR RESEARCH! Stop calling the truth Bigoted! You're the real terrorist by dismissing FACTS. This is not an opinion, this too is a fact when facts are presented. This is the truth.
Note to future Article Writers: It is very important to include many links & sources within written articles which shows the facts. This is called responsible reporting, because it is not about the writers opinion, but rather what he/she sees in the world by observing these facts. If you are gonna include an opinion, also include the facts to back it up. An article without facts & sources is empty & has no validity. If there are any good law enforcement officers reading this article, please do research related here & organize with your best detectives to uncover more of this story. This also concerns you as it does us all.
Think of this -"as a lead".
The Real History of the Jesuit Order & It's Origin
The Playlist-Documentary below contains 100% facts on historical events along with quotes. It is important to note, that the same tactics the Jesuits used in the past are currently being done today. The Jesuit order infiltrated countries causing chaos before being "disbanded" in 1773 by pope Clement XIV. Pope Clement XIV was poisoned and died on September 22, 1774
This officially exposes the Jesuits as the real terrorist group. It is also important to note, that Adam Weishchaupt was also a former Jesuit, before he funded the Order of Illuminati in 1776. Now we have the Jesuit Pope Francis in power. What does this tell you?
Quote from Pope Francis via TruNews:
“I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”Read more at
The Pope is probably referring to the following:
Mathews 10:34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
But what is the sword? The sword is called truth, which would divide people between right & wrong. Morality vs immorality. Is this wrong? Well let me give you some news to help you decide even clearer. Mathews 10:34 gives clue on who the real Christ is. This is how you will discern away from false prophets like Pope Jesuit Francis. Last time I checked, the gospels was taught by the word. Not by the sword like Islam does. People blame the crusades however, that was not an act done by Christians, but rather the catholic church.
If you think the pope means well, then ask yourself this question: Why are those in power suddenly supporting pedophilia?
The whole transgender issue open doors to other immoral actions to be legalized. Do you now see why people are against transgenderism in bathrooms? (not against transgender itself,) Because once transgendered bathroom laws are accepted, pedophilia is soon to follow. Do you really want this for your kids if you are a moral LAWFUL parent? See image & Article below on what those in power are trying to get people into accepting
Quote from the Article:
People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality. Read More Here
It is also important to note this quote from wiki about Islams Prophet & the marriage of a preteen:
The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham,[11] when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, Read more at Wiki
Can you live in an Immoral society? Can you trust that your kids can go out and play without being attacked by a sexual predator ?
The gospels are based on morality. Of course it will be at war against immoral values. It is only common sense to know morals & immorality will always be at conflict with one another. This is a war between the truth & the lie. That is what it ultimately boils down to in the end.
Obviously satanists will try and put their views in good light, and Islam, Freemasonry, New age & the pope all fit into this category of falsehood. They want to put their immorality as "a good thing". in order for the public to buy it.
If you learned nothing from this Article-Documentary; then learn this:
- If you support Islam & refugees invading other countries, you support pedophilia & rape.( This is the truth, You have NO excuses when facing FACTS.)
- If you support Multiculturalism you support a second Holocaust & Genocide. (Which automatically and officially turns you into a Nazi following Adolf Hitlers Views.)
And before you say It is about Helping Syrians, See the following Article:
Truth be told: Four out of Five Syrian Refugees are NOT from Syria
So who are the 4 out of five that are not from Syria?
Answer: Ding Ding ISIS.
Answer: Ding Ding ISIS.
Also see Syrian Girl (A REAL Syrian Talking about Refugee Crisis.)
(Personally, she is a beautiful human being, and I love her truths. Not so bigoted this author is now is he? Any comment calling this author "bigoted" supports pedophilia & genocide themselves, since they dismiss the facts shown here. This is not an article based on opinion. It is based on facts, and facts is what makes something true. )
Direct Link:
Finally The Topic of The Georgia Guide Stones
If you haven't researched into this yet, I suggest you do. Click here to get you started.
Instead of me speaking words about the Georgia Guidestones, simply look at the pictures of them to decide for yourselves.
Guidestones say: "Maintain Population below 500 million"
Egyptian Babylonian Inspired Guidestones
Guidestones also written in Arabic (for Islam Refugees? You decide by following the facts.)
Information is Useless Unless It goes Viral.
Disclaimer: ALL footage used falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
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