How Political Correctness is being used to Manipulate & Brainwash the Public
If you haven't read "It's Time to fight Back- How To Identify A Troll" Article, please do so.
Note: The topic above was Vindicated Here: Hillary Caught Paying Trolls
This would be part 2 of the series;which takes a psychological, approach into seeing the grand deception.
So, this is no longer a conspiracy "theory", it is a conspiracy FACT. To those who tried to debunk the previous topic, You were WRONG, and you deserve the "I told you so's".
Now on to Part 2: How Political Correctness is being used to Manipulate & Brainwash the public. First let's listen in straight from Eric Holders mouth.
Eric Holder - We Must "Brainwash" People Against Guns! 1995
Direct link:
Questions to Ask:
What on earth is Eric Holder on about? What does he mean when he speaks on Brainwashing? To understand what he means, you must take a 7 minute course in psychology on how the human mind really works. Before moving on to my next words, please take a good look at this video from a professional psychologist. He explains in clear detail the true function of the mind.Dr. Shad Helmstetter - "The Story of Self-Talk"
Direct Link:
"From the moment you are born, every single message you got, everything that was said to you, everything you heard... every message you got was "typed" into your personal computer keyboard. That would be our 5 senses. Then those messages that were "typed" were recorded on your CD ROM in your brain. It is stored permanently in the brain.
The reason that's important to know, is that part of the brain that recorded all of those messages you got, that part of the brain didn't know the difference between, and doesn't know the difference between something that is true or false or right or wrong. or positive or negative. It's job is simply to record the messages we got from other people, and then we began to repeat those same kind of messages to our self. And that is called self talk.
There is something called the law of repetition, and the law of repetition is the secret of self talk & here is how it works; every-time you get a message, & it's recorded again, it gets stronger. Then you get the message again and it gets stronger still, so that those minor pathways in our brain that are being created by us getting different messages from the people around them, when those messages gets repeated by someone else & then to ourselves with our own self talk; those pathways becomes roadways, then the roadways become highways, and some of those highways become inter state highways & those are the major programs that govern our lives...We become the programs we get most."
Please also see How long it Takes to Form a Habit Research.
What the above article tells us that eventually the mind becomes automatic. Which is science fact & studies on the human brain. The automation of habits. Now, adding Dr. Shad's research on self talk, we conclude that, if something is repeated over and over, eventually it sticks , or in other words, you become programmed with it.
This is what Eric Holder was subliminally referring to, and this is where Political Correctness comes in and why it is extremely dangerous.
If you know Evil exists in this world, and you know that people will go to whatever lengths to achieve their agenda. Then, can you afford to be Naive while knowing that they are capable of paying for trolls? What if these trolls were using political correctness to enforce public views?
It is not a "bigoted" question. This is by FACTS alone, a psychological one.
Here are the Facts:
1. Psychological technique of Brainwashing (or Programming) exists. So by logic & common sense, if it exists then it can be used.
2. Evil exists and they LIE. (so what Defines Evil? Those who dismiss facts for they obviously, (With certainty) lie, not only to themselves, but also others. Then they call you bigot-ted to get you to react in the way they want. This is a psychological technique of manipulation typically available within Narcissism and Feminism (which is the feminine version of Narcissism. Both are vampire in terms of draining people energetically through their illogical comments. (which is how they also get you to submit). Narcissism is a mental disorder. (This a FACT.) You are, clinically insane (literally) if you dismiss facts. If you ignore facts, why should we or anyone listen to the voice that has NO REASON.
Note: I am not trying to make anyone feel bad. I am spelling out the REALITY of the situation. In other words *Gasps* 2+2=4 DEAL WITH IT!
3. We have evidence, VOICE, audio + visuals of Eric Holder spelling out the agenda. 2+2=4
4. We have a professional psychologist, explaining scientifically how the mind works. 2+2=4
5.We have Evidence (Facts, which means TRUTH. facts is what makes something true. This is how you arrive from theory into LAW. Law is true, law is order. Facts =Order. Lies = Chaos. Political Correctness = Lies. Lies = Chaos. These evidences, show that Government Trolls exist without a doubt. So we have admittance of troll armies out there. 2+2=4
Can you honestly trust Political Correctness & those who use it; while being sane at the same time?
Conclusion: Paid trolls are conditioning the public into accepting their insanity through the Use of Political Correctness & the law of repetition. There is another word for Political Correctness; Mental Rape.
I hope this Article has granted you the Sword of Truth. Use it Wisely & Teach Others what You Learned Here. Pay It forward to all that you can.
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