Commentary by: The Golden Path
The Vigilant Christian breaks down how martial law will take everyone's rights away through the start of conflict.
Commentary 1
What the Vigilant Christian describes as the Wrath, is actually Natural law "we reap what we sew". We will know the consequence of our own actions under cosmic law.
This may appear "Old testament" to you, but God's laws were never inactive. It is in fact infinite, and those who go against the law will find their own wrong doings. It was from this law, that humanity was saved from, due to Yeshua's sacrifice. Cause & Effect, and yet humanity has not learned.
One must wonder, if the Universe is simply re-runs of our own mistakes. Point is, don't blame God for what man has done to themselves. We are all responsible for our own actions. Touch a hot stove, it hurts right? Welcome to the Law.
TVC's Warning:
Mario, also mentions how this is all prophecized in the bible. It is highly recommended also to look into the Jezebel & Eljah Story for more insight & allegories as to what is going on. Mario is correct; that this has all been prophecized in scripture. It should be an eye opener to many of you. The time of revelation is now, whether you believe it or not.
Denial will not save you.
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-3bknBVQck
Commentary 2:
Stop wasting your time trying to save New Agers. Many of them are too far gone and some of them have become the Devil's Lieutenants knowingly. This reality dawned on me as I visited A New Agers -Ukrainian Neo Nazi Website where the instruction in Ukrainian were clear. They worship Anubis, destroyer of life & worlds while making themselves appear as loving & bliss. The greatest deception of the Devil is masquerading as an angel of light.("The nice guy").
Its time to warn all Christians & non Christians who still have the mind capacity to listen, before the New Age wave gets to them. Expose their hypocrisy & their lies everywhere you see them; through the use of facts & objectivity. If we allow Political Correctness to take over, then it really is all over. It is now a race between two opposing forces which is narrowed down to; Life vs Death. You must wonder why Albert Pike Described Yeshua as "Adonai-the Dark God" while praising Lucifer as the "light". The man who also said:
"We control Islam and We'll Use it to Destroy the West" - Albert Pike 33rd Degree Freemason. -Author of Freemason Book "Morals & Dogma".
Direct Link: :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dXD2H0m74g
"you will know them by their fruits." If they are hurting life, then they are obviously against it. It boils down to two options. Are you pro life, or pro death?
Luciferians tends to sacrifice humans, they have no empathy, nor regards to life. All they care about is themselves, and their own happiness, while trampling on others. Common Sense question: Can you trust, that which does not care about you? If a religion is all about self, where do YOU stand? That is right, you are nothing to Luciferians. This is their sad attempt to getting you to not react when they finally kill off the great majority of the people. Then they blame Yeshua as "the dark one" when they themselves do dark things. This is how, you will know them by their fruits. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Yeshua, is the Truth, the Life & the Law.
You don't really need a prophet to tell you or for you to know what is going on. All it really takes is some careful research (Detective work) & common sense to know the collapse is imminent. So you atheists really have no excuse whether you are a believer or not, all evidence point out that; yes it is happening, and hiding your heads in the sand will not change that reality. You need to look up this information for yourselves and open up your own eyes.
(Then again, a prophet is he who sees the warning signs...) However, all these events have been prophecized and clearly described in the Bible . (King James Version).
Still don't think we are in the Time of Revelation?
The Coup Detat In America Click
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Four out of five Syrian Refugees are not Syrian
Capital Of the New World Order
Nasa's Unofficial Disclosure on Fallen An... I mean "Aliens"
Hypocrisy of Politicians (The wolfs in sheep's clothing)
The New Age Movement Worshiping Lilith (Who's Mechanical face tells them to Ignore facts, via the indirect message of "There is so much that can come between you".)
Celebrities Giving out warnings through Subliminal messaging.
The Revelation of 9-11
The Devil's Minions Trying to Discredit the Truth
The Chemicals in the Air
See Playlist for Overwhelming Evidence of the Grand Deception. This is your Revelation
Baal (Babylon) Temples 2016
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