Infamous Area 51 caller Reveals Aliens Are "Extra Dimensional Beings"
By: The Golden Path
Many of you may be aware of the infamous area 51 caller, but to those who are not; this is one story that will leave you mind blown and wondering what on earth is going on? If the Area 51 caller is correct, then he is implying the existence of either Demons, or Fallen Angels rather than "aliens", since they both fit into the category of "Extra Dimensional Beings."
Just recently in 2016; 19 years later after the frantic caller, science discovered the existence of Invincible entities which were surveying military establishments around the world. This discovery was done through the use of concave lens on the Santilli telescope. This is a huge discovery; because it exposes that which is invisible to our own eyes. This should also be a confirmation on what the Area 51 caller was talking about with regards to "Extra Dimensional beings infiltrating the military establishments" and perhaps possibly even vindicate this controversial subject.
In 1997, a man who claimed to work within area 51 called the art bell show. The full text dialogue is displayed below, along with the actual event, which was uploaded on YouTube.
"Hello Art? Art? Hi....I don't have a whole lot of was a former employee of Area 51...I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago...and...and...(starts to cry)...I kinda been running across the don't know WHERE to start......they'll triangulate on this position really, really soon... (starting to break up and get more frantic--Art tells him to give us something quick>) we're thinking of as Aliens ...they're EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS...that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM MADE CONTACT WITH...uh...they are NOT what they claim to be...uh...they have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT particularly Area 51...uh...the DISASTERS that are coming...the GOVERNMENT knows about them....and there's a lot of SAFE AREAS in this WORLD THAT THEY COULD BEGIN MOVING THE POPULATION TO...N O W - Art.....but they are NOT doing anything about it... THEY WANT THE MAJOR POPULATION CENTERS - WIPED OUT SO THAT THE FEW THAT ARE LEFT WILL BE MORE EASILY CONTROLLABLE....(breaking up more, starting to cry...)...I started getting...." Silence - Art went off the air at that point."
A few things to keep in mind on this bizarre incident:
- 1. The art-bell show was cut off in mid call, as if something did not want people to hear anymore.
- 2. The infiltration claim of Entities within the military establishment.
Direct link:
Area 51 Caller calls Back in 1998
This is where it gets weirder; why would the caller call back to dismiss his own story as a hoax? Especially when some of his claims were confirmed in 2016 by scientists? A couple of conspiracy theories took place, & among-st them were:
- 1.The caller was threatened to state it was a hoax.
- 2.The caller was a different person that sounded similar.
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Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities
“This is an exciting discovery. We do not know what these entities are; they’re completely invisible to our eyes, our binoculars, or traditional Galileo telescopes, but these objects are fully visible in cameras attached to our Santilli telescope,” stated Dr. Ruggero Santilli, CEO Thunder Energies Corporation. -
More on this Scientific Discovery:
According to Santilli:
"By using telescopes with concave lenses, known as Santilli telescopes (trademark and patent pending by the U.S. publicly traded company Thunder Energies Corporation), we review preceding evidence for the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids, and antimatter cosmic rays. Independently from these astrophysical detections, we present for the first time evidence for the apparent existence of entities in our terrestrial environment that are solely visible via telescopes with concave lenses, while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave dark images in the background of digital cameras attached to the Santilli telescopes."
Unauthorized Surveillance quote:
"Our discoveries of Invisible Terrestrial entities has been verified by american astronomers also available on publications on the internet. I am a scientist, formerly from MIT, Harvard and other leading institutions around the world as such, my duty is that of documenting the existence "quote & quote" of those entities. The question on what those entities are must be answered by our government, because those entities appear to conduct; unauthorized surveillance of rather sensitive civilian, industrial & military installations "
Direct Link:
Whether or not you believe the frantic area 51 caller was a hoax; one thing is for sure; Thunder Energies Corp has vindicated the subject on invisible entities surveying both civilian & military installations, which was what the original Area 51 caller spoke about in 1997. Perhaps Science in the end, proved that there is more to what we see beyond our five senses. This brings forth one important question; if this is all true, then what does this imply on the existence of God himself?
One thing begs to question, if these entities discovered by Thunder Corp; are not "Aliens" then what exactly are these "Extra Dimensional Beings of Dark Matter?" There is only two possibilities to answer this question: either they are demons, or what many would call "Angels" since they both fall into the category of "extra dimensional". However, given the the current events of the world, and putting all the pieces together, it would be a safe bet to call them the fallen angels. This; on the other hand, is this authors own conclusion. You decide using common sense & critical thought.
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Disclaimer: ALL footage used falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
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