"I Take your Truth & Replace it with my Own"- New Age Deception & Political Correctness (Updated 5/13/2016-Added New Steven Bancarz -Scroll to the End if you read the article-documentary already)
by: The Golden PathIf you want to know why society is abandoning morals, heading into chaos & ignoring facts, then the new age movement has your answer. This movement, which was inspired through Luciferian Doctrine, including those of Aleister Crowley's, has been spreading disinformation & lies through the general public. Like soldiers recruiting others into their immoral realms. The New Age movement is the primary force for political correctness, and self worship into a false unity; which the pope himself calls the one world religion. (The New World Order)
The new age movement dismiss morals & facts with the response: "I take your truth & replace it with my own."
This is called denial, & insanity. Those who dismiss facts & replaces them with thoughts of fantasy are by definition insane. This is narcissism, solipsism, feminism & political correctness at it's finest. It is the sole reason why these people feel no empathy nor compassion towards others. They are too self absorbed to acknowledge the pain outside themselves. They create the pain while failing to acknowledge that they themselves are the creator of that pain; which ends up hurting the people around them.
In their world, they are perfect, and other people are obsolete. To them, other people's feelings don't matter, because in their box "others" don't exist.
Hypocrite New Agers/"Social Justice Warriors" Attacking Donald Trump
You know; Donald Trump may be narcissist in his own way (mostly due to his father and wanting to prove something), but one thing that differs him from other narcissists is that at-least he acknowledges the pain of other people; which in itself kinda contradicts the term "narcissistic". (See more analysis on this by WeAreChange Click.)
Believe it or not, most of us share the same traits due to our own traumas and encounters with past bullies or someone who caused us great pain; which fuels our desire to be better than those who do harm. This can't be helped, society as a whole has been brainwashed into narcissism through music and television. There is a reason why narcissism is compared with the vampire. However, the trick is to reverse this cancer before the cancer consumes us.
The New Age Movement is a Dangerous Movement & Plan B of the New World Order
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New Age Cultist Master George Soros |
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Babylon One World Order/religion |
Dismissing facts equals to insanity. If you can't understand facts, then you are not only a danger to yourself, but a danger to others as well. Your own selfishness leads you to your own downfall.
The Book "The UN-American Genocidal Complex" Sums up the new age movement within one page, and this alone should be an eye opener for many of you. I hope those of you deceived into the new age movement turn away from the very thing many of you claim to fight against.

Hopefully people wake up to the reality on who the people are behind such movements. The very movements that create chaos on the streets through Political Correctness. That however, is up to you the reader, to take part and spread this warning to the public.
Read More Here
Listen up new age hypocrites, to you whom dismiss facts. Was it not information, which you originally thought of as "fact"; give you what you currently think of as fact? If facts don't exist in your world, then your supposed reality "Do as thou wilt" by Aleister Crowley, would in fact be a LIE. Fact's don't exist in your world remember?
Oh wait, it is only a fact if you let it be a fact right? Wrong, you just want to mold society into your own liking, because you are pitiful victims yourselves who can't get passed the victim state mentality. Then you try and change facts into being 2+2=5 instead of 4. This is called mental rape and this doctrine has become an epidemic in today's society, so much to the point where even science is baffled by the rate of this epidemic.
Read Link Below:
Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact-Resistant Humans
Let me break that down into a single sentence: If fact's don't exist, then your movement by default is a lie. In other words, it is bullshit. (Pardon my french),![]() |
Jonestown 1978 Cult Mass Suicide |
History repeats itself much? And that is not to mention, George Soros intention on creating chaos to bring about the one world order. He did it in Ukraine, through occupy wall-street, black lives matter, Ferguson, the Jewish people, and now through the new age movement. (There are more, for the list goes on and on. Google them.)
New Agers are serving the Illuminati's one world order. Hitler's inspired age of Aquarius to create the perfect Aryan race, and many of them are within Ukraine and known as "Neo nazi's".
Mark my words, people are fed up with new agey political correctness. It is another term for bully, and you know what that means. One day, you will feel the backlash & the results of that bullying under natural/karmic law. When your victims finally fights back with full wrath, then you will have something to really cry about, and it will not be because of your "feelings". If you don't care about the well being of others, you are part of the problem and deserve what comes to you. Cause & effect, as is the true whole of NATURAL LAW (NOT Aleister's false law). And if you don't believe a backlash is coming, watch Paul Watson's video for a taste on the backlash the new age movement will be receiving in a not so distant future.
As Paul Watson puts it in the video below;
"Listen up special snowflakes, listen real good, you may have fooled a lot of people for years with your phony righteous indignation and your stupid safe space trigger warning, micro aggression, brainwashing; but its game over. When an aggressive movement that seeks political change abandons facts, logic and objectivity; it always turns into fanaticism, and that is why, nobody is listening to your bullshit, anymore."
This is what A social (New Age) Justice Warrior Looks Like by Paul Watson
Under Natural Moral law, you reap what you sow. In this alone you do create your "reality" through the real law of attraction of Cause & Effect. In other words, some people deserve what comes to them, in forms of true justice.Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFrZsGbO6N0
"New" Age Deception #3: We're ALL ONE, So "It's ALL Good" New Age Lie
By: Mark PassioDirect Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sCKlm8UNyQ
Why Am I Exposing The New Age? by: Steven Bancarz
Many of you may remember Spirit Science's partner, & website creator Steven Bancarz. Listen carefully to what he has to say. Steven does a better Job in being much more gentle with the information.
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wTxZYlbg28
Proof The New Age Is Satanic by Steven Bancarz
Published on May 12, 2016Steven's Website: http://www.exposingthenewage.com/
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmqqdhVPCTA
Help Share Knowledge & Warn the World of this Deceit
Note: Sometimes tough love is needed, in order to get the point across.Disclaimer: ALL footage used falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
love this thanks i've become increasingly suspicious we have to be careful
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