Judge Jeanine Pirro: "Hillary Clinton CANNOT Be President!" Shared Report
Video Source by: Fox NewsCommentary:
Judge Jeanine Pirro slams Hillary Clinton in her opening statement with truth's over Benghazi, constant lying and Bill's past with women. Careful when sharing this post, Facebook may ban you since they are censoring anti- Hillary posts.
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KDErMnRyb4
The Honorable Judge, Quotes from her Opening Statement.
" Hillary Clinton cannot be President of the United States, and if the establishment including law enforcement does not stop her – you have to.
This is not about politics. It's about you, your family, and this great nation. It’s about preventing people who have no regard for the law, or you, for that matter, from running this country. At a time when just about everybody is fed up with establishment politicians, when two outsiders are winning epic contests against preordained presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton is still in line to be coronated the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
Commentary:How can the woman – who is under criminal investigation – who knows she's under criminal investigation, but lies to your face saying that she's not – continue on her path to the White House? The majority of Americans believe, and are right, that Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, dishonest and a liar. Hillary has danced with federal prosecutors for most of her career. She knows how to conceal, delete and destroy evidence – remember those pesky missing Rose Law Firm files? Not to mention 30,000 deleted emails… She lies so much she doesn't know the difference between the truth and a lie, and, like most liars, can’t even keep her stories straight.
And don't give me that woman thing where it's time for a female president. Yeah it is – but not her. What makes you think electing this woman who's spent most of her career riding her husband’s coat tails is necessarily a good thing?
Doesn't it depend on the individual man or woman? For those of you who think a woman will help other women – consider this: the Clinton Foundation - an organization over which the Clintons have control – pays female employees 38 cents less per dollar than males. So much for that old pay inequality thing. Supporting women?
Hillary made her bones creating the attack team on all the women who said Bill engaged in sexual activity, ranging from harassment to affairs to worse. If these women are all liars, why was Paula Jones awarded $850,000 from the Clintons? And Monica Lewinsky's dress – if only that blue dress could talk.
The Clintons have always been about the Clintons. Evidence: Benghazi. She lied about the video when she knew it was Al-Qaeda to benefit her politically. But even that doesn't matter as much as knowing there are men waiting for help on a rooftop for eight hours when that assault on the consulate took place. Remember that 2008 3 am phone call she wants you to believe shows that she is ready to protect us? That's baloney. She had a chance to prove it and she proved just the opposite. That her political future was more important than American lives." Read More Here
People need to become aware on what is occurring with Hilary Clinton. There are some rumors linking her with the Waco Texas standoff in 1993 that led to the deaths of more than 80 men, women and children. More info on this: Linda Tripp - Hillary Ordered Waco Slaughter & Clinton Abused Monica
Ps: Facebook is censoring anti Hillary Posts. All other articles in the Golden Path Network have increased views, with the exception of the Hillary Clinton related ones. Censorship is on overtime these days. It is not surprising that she is taking over the internet. See also: Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls - Breitbart
"Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC), is spending over $1 million on online trolls in order to ‘correct’ Bernie Sanders supporters on social media sites." Read More
Disclaimer: ALL footage used falls under Fair Use for commentary/research/news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
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