Astral Projection Unveiled: The Demonic “Astral” Realm by: Steven Bancarz
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by: Steven Bancarz

Please Visit Steven's website for the full Article. Out of respect for his work & experience, I will only include a few quotes from the full article; which explains in much more detail on Steven's experience. Steven was a former partner of Spirit Science & Creator of the Spirit Science website. He was very well known within the New Age movement as one of it's leader's, before having an experience with Jesus.
"Astral projection is the act of being conscious while traveling outside of your physical body. There are not clear boundaries on what kinds of experiences can be classified as astral projections. Some people say lucid dreaming, false awakenings, and out-of-body experiences all count as forms of astral projection by virtue of the fact that you are conscious outside of your body. I don’t necessarily agree that all of these are forms of astral projection (especially lucid dreaming), but the general consensus is that astral projection is the experience of being self-aware in a dimension of reality that is not physical."
"Anyone in the New Age who has a lot of experience with astral projection is well aware that it is not all fun and games, and there is always a need for tons of protection against “astral attacks” and “negative astral entities” and demons that can torment, rape, and possess you. I have had personal experience with every possible state of consciousness that could fall under the category of astral projection, so I write this article not from ignorance but from personal experience. In this article we are going to explore the dangers of astral projection. More than that, we are going to explore the evidence of the entire astral realm is demonic air kingdom."
"I want to start by sharing my personal experience with a demon in the astral planes. At this time in my life I was very heavily involved in metaphysical research, mediation, and lucid dreaming. Every single night for about 2 weeks I was having crazy vivid lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, or false awakenings." Continue Reading Full Article Here.Note: if you have any doubts on the existence of invincible entities. You may want to watch the scientific discovery of Invisible entities through concave lenses through the link below:
Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities Using Concave lenses Click here
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