"New" Age Deception #7: The False Notion Of Forgiveness
The New Age movement has a false notion of forgiveness. The problem with this, is that it encourages wrong doing rather than stop them at it's course. How you treat others will define you as a person & as a human being.If the perpetrator realizes his or her own
wrong doing, through repentance can he or she attain true forgiveness. On the other hand, if the person continues to do immoral acts, then forgiveness is nearly impossible because they will continue to cause harm not only towards people, but also towards themselves.
Want true forgiveness? Become responsible for your actions, by truly being sorry and actually asking it from the bottom of your heart.
Realize the wrong doings of the past, and its
lessons, only then can two people arrives at a mutual understanding
Turning the other cheek, lying or ignoring the problem will not make the problem go away. It worsens the problem causing massive dis balance in what should be a mutual relationship.
Admitting wrong doings is also part of shadow work, (inner healing) and allows for inner transformation to take place. It is taking responsibility for our own actions instead of continuing the lie.
There can be no forgiveness if the perpetrator continues his or her wrong doing and refuses to acknowledge his or her part in the conflict.
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