by: The Golden Path
There is a reason why I stand against the new age movement. My ex for example was a new ager, she listened to a lot of goddess Vortex Mp3's meditation and a lot of "coding" from the "Ashtar command." (new age Bullshit) with subliminal messages being embedded in the brain changes you in that subconscious.

Spoiler: The Problem Is Real in today's society, this film is highly accurate. Think twice before leaving your children in front of the T.V screen, you may be allowing a negative influence take over the childs life. The T.V will program the child in ITS way. It becomes a HABI-TAT- (TAT-TOO) becoming tattooed, programming, embedding in your child's mind. The television is a PROGRAM, in people's lives.
What I discovered in my investigations in psychology and what was really going on with this world was truly shocking, and down right scary and people SHOULD be aware of this. People; you need to find out where your core beliefs originate from, and investigate the person and who they are involved with. Be aware of those who speak foolishly, the fool may have bits and pieces of the truth, but not the whole truth.Take in but not establish it as fact until further notice. (place it on stand by for later.)
Question everything and KEEP an open mind and never get fixated NOR attached towards any beliefs. Only become aware of the problem, because the real solution has not been brought to this reality yet. If it were to be brought, the world would have acted on it. Become aware and KNOW what NOT (possibly through appophasis) to do. By verifying things for yourself, this will also make you aware of the truth, this will make you aware of Natural Law through common sense. (yes common sense is very rare and those who apply TRUE common sense ultimately become the wise.)
If history repeats itself in your life, it is because you are trapped inside a loop. You are to learn the lesson or it will happen again. Now, WHY is that so? Because it becomes a HABIT, (which is mostly caused by HABIT-AT. (@Habit?) ). Chaos is a teacher that teaches people what NOT to do. If there is chaos in your life, it was brought forth by your own doing. Think carefully as to why this is so, because this will lead you to many answers and many other questions. But be aware of those who speak half truths.
Here are a few two examples of people who speak half truths like Russell Brand and David Icke.
David icke is a man that tends to twist the truth. He exposes many truths (or Half truths), but whether its his intention or not he gives the same solution for the one world order... by ... making a one world order of AGENDA. From my point of view, David Icke, Deepak Chopra (and Oprah), Russel BRAND (See the meaning of this word below) are all marketers promoting the new world order. They tell you the truth, that there is a problem, but divert you towards the same solution of those in power.
The key is to learn what to take in. Consider the problem, (keep an open mind) ask questions (do your research) until you begin to notice patterns. This is the proper way to do research, not everything are facts. You just may be led to the slaughterhouse of extreme occultists who may trick you into drinking a poisoned wine. Be wary on what you believe in, everything is questionable. The problem is real, the solution is not.
Meaning:************************brandbrand/nounnoun: brand; plural noun: brands1.a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name."a new brand of detergent"
synonyms: make, line, label, marque; identifying mark burned on livestock or (especially formerly) criminals or slaves with a branding iron.
synonyms: identification, marker, earmark "the brand on a sheep"
archaica branding iron. a habit, trait, or quality that causes someone public shame or disgrace."the brand of Paula's alcoholism" 3.a piece of burning or smoldering wood."he took two burning brands from the fire"
literarya torch. 4.literarya sword.verbverb: brand; 3rd person present: brands; past tense: branded; past participle: branded; gerund or present participle: branding
1.mark (an animal, formerly a criminal or slave) with a branding iron.
describe (someone or something) as something bad or shameful."the do-gooders branded us as politically incorrect"
synonyms: stigmatize, mark out; More 2.assign a brand name to."branded goods at low prices"
What people don't get is that it is all about marketing strategies and psychology. Read Carefully again for this is their strategy, it is ALL about Marketing using your Emotions and psychology. (T.V and even cartoons are commercials, only really long ones with a story.)
The Strategy Secret Weapon used Against YOU
Create a Problem (Where there is none) - (Cause a severe reaction aka Chaos) Reaction - Provide the Solution ( Order, as in order out of chaos).
Create a problem strong enough to get people to react emotionally towards a situation that "threatens" their "security" or vulnerability and they give you a solution for more "security" (aka Prison).
Because people are used to thinking in this pattern.
"Oh no problem! "Help!" (Hero Swoops in to save the day, the "savior") *thanks the "hero".*
This is The Victim Pattern that disallows people to think for themselves
Almost every single movement out there has little or a lot to do with the Great Agenda. When you seek deep nearly all roads leads to the same thing. It almost feels like a cosmic joke, or some form of nightmare unable to wake up from. However, there are bits and pieces of information that you can use to program yourself morally As in; become morally responsible for ones own actions and know what NOT to do, or what NOT to stand in, you may want to consider(Not believe, you are to test and verify everything for yourself.) what people are trying to tell you.. If someone tells you don't stand in the fire, and you stand in it, it is your responsibility for such actions. You burned yourself, it is you who did it.
Actions have consequences, so think carefully what you get yourself into. The world is not what it seems to be. It is a joke when you really see deep into the investigations. This is how you arrive at the truth, through detective work. If someone says something to you, you are responsible for investigating before you believe in their words. Don't believe what people say, only consider it and do your own investigation and test out those "theories" until you notice thee pattern.
No matter what you believe in, know that there is a law in this universe. If you touch the fire, you will get burned. It is common sense no?
With that said, keep an open mind, people are saying something to you, although your ego may want to act against it due to embedded beliefs (programmings of the human subconscious, which places the person on auto pilot by a %.
Mark Passio's New Age Bullshit Seminar (With Slides)
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