This video is old; but, I felt like expressing something that came to mind. I found it amazing that despite Mark being handcuffed, he was still speaking the truth and in a sense gave his own little version of a seminar in public, and people were listening!
Through one perspective, the arrest itself; while the truth was being spoken, shows what is truly happening in the world. It is a powerful symbol meaning “The TRUTH is under arrest”.
The woman's words (with her child near the end) was priceless.
The order followers ended up stealing their flyers (THEFT- Stolen Property) because that was the only thing they could really do to try and hinder mark in some way, And I bet you, that had mark been alone it would have been far worse. They acted childish and IGNORE- ANTS.
Mark needs more support, not for personal gain, but for protection. He has the knowledge that most people do not and is one of the very few TRUE light warriors out there. The arrest made on him is proof of it.
He is doing SOMETHING called ACTION.
I know this happened in 2013, but nevertheless, it did happen and was caught on tape. We need more people educated on natural law and we need it to go viral. The more people that know, the more we can reach the order followers through their own family and friends. Through REACHING order followers WE CAN turn the tide.
A slight hope and a light is showing on the horizon, but we have much work to do, the more people that carry on the great work the more the chances we have to turn this tide in the people's favor.
I see this as the backdoor, a small window and glimmer of hope, but a hope nonetheless. Just imagine, imagine for a moment, what would happen if the order followers all of a sudden awaken to common sense.
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Credit to Mark Passio, for images and information provided. "You know the knowledge of the highest levels of freemasonry now".
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The Duo Word, meaning "No" and "Know" for "Knowledge" |
Say NO to the cults, and their agendas, the absolute WORSE thing we can do to them is turn our backs and walk the path less traveled by. It’s as simple as turning the other way and listen to WE-THE-PEOPLE instead of THEM THE CULTS.
Saying NO we choose to take responsibility for ourselves. To be in charge of our own lives, through co-existence and trust with others in unconditional love. I am telling you all, there IS another way. We just keep looking for symbols and heroes but the fact is, YOU, all of YOU are the heroes. WE THE PEOPLE are the heroes.

Neo Said No (HUGE Matrix Clue)

Neo Said No (HUGE Matrix Clue)

We need to BOYCOTT all of their corporations, to stop feeding them and shift towards the people that provide healthy solutions. There ARE solutions, they have all just been suppressed, because we are too busy focusing on mainstream to pay attention. To give support to those who speak out against corruption. To give support to the few who have ideas. To BECOME the media and stop depending on the mainstream lies and instead depend on EACH-OTHER. We need every truth seeker to help spread the word and give our support to the few who are performing ACTION by becoming part of the ACTION itself.
The reality and truth is, WE are the reasons why this world is the way it is. We are the battery that continues to feed this system of control. Let’s CHOOSE to walk our own path, under our own power. Not as separate individuals, but united as one through trust, not control, through love, not fear (even though fear has its uses to warn us of danger, however, fear can be looked upon in two ways. It can serve as a warning alarm (positive aspect) and it can serve as a paralyze r (negative aspect.)
Let us create a new world order, but not the pyramid those in power have in mind. I say NO to THAT “new world order.” I don’t want it. Nor do I agree with it. I am NOT a slave! I am a Sovereign individual!
I understand people may feel “bad” or intimidated by how people like Mark Passio speaks, however I need to explain something important, especially to those who think mark is negative for speaking the way that he does. He HAS to speak that way in order to reach people. Is anyone familiar to the story behind these words from Paul Revere?
It is called sounding the alarm, we need to speak in caps when there is imminent danger to our lives and that is precisely what Mark Passio is doing. He is sounding the alarm in the similar fashion Paul Revere did during the American War for independence against the British Empire. You could say, that the red coats of the red shield has taken back the United States through infiltration and we should feel outraged by this fact. We need to take the red coats out of power once again.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to create a system that allows us to be ourselves and co-exist with one another as well with nature through trust, freedom and truth? Well that was the idea behind the declaration of independence. Just a reminder to all American’s who truly have American pride. We have been invaded can you understand now what is happening? Let me imitate Paul Revere because it is the TRUTH!
I believe it is possible for the true American dream to expand towards other countries, I believe humanity is capable of common sense. We just need to reeducate ourselves on what the American dream is all about. It is not even the American dream, it is a humanitarian dream. The dream for freedom, unconditional love, co-existence with each other and nature.
The American Dream (Humanitarian Dream) is built upon common sense and natural law and guess what this is called? It is called Anarchy, and Anarchy is without rulers and masters. It is NOT without rules, for natural law applies. The Golden Rule, which can be expressed in two ways. Do unto others as you would to yourself. Do NOT do unto others what you do NOT want upon yourself.
In this sense, WE ALL NEED TO BECOME ACTIVE IN POLITICS TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM FROM WITHIN! The WAY it was INTENDED in the first place through the constitution of the UNITED STATES. The constitution is nearly perfect, we just need to close the loop holes that allows the enemy of freedom to come in through its backdoor.
There are thousands of ideas, and inventors out there (And I have met them) that have provided solutions to co-exist with nature, Imagination is Key (They are just suppressed, censored, or have their ideas stolen, patented and locked away in a vault.) and This is the TRUE SHIFT of consciousness that we all have been waiting for; right at our fingertips. Its enemy is Ignorance. IGNORE-ANCE.
People are being IGNORE- ANTS.
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New Age Propaganda |
The truth is, nothing will change unless we put things into ACTION, our powerful weapon IS OUR VOICE. Mainstream is a lie, do not trust it. This includes deepak chopra and his friend Oprah Winfrey, those people are the promoters the new age propaganda which is created for the purpose to suppress people from performing ACTION.
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New Age Bull Shit |
Ill repeat it three more times IN CAPS.

I am asking for help and support, not for personal gain, but rather to help aid the very few light warriors with the TRUTH in their possession. The only way to protect sovereigns is by having WE THE PEOPLE backing WE up. It is the sovereign individuals who get assassinated, murdered and silenced for speaking the truth.
· Martin Luther King
· John F Kennedy
· John Lennon
· Yeshua (assuming he existed, but his story still serves as an allegory and a warning to what happens to those who speak the truth. Crucified and assassinated and later turned into a symbol used through twisting their words as a way to gain MORE CONTROL for the elites.)
Just to name a few, there are more on the list, count on it. We only have one another for support, and some of us are acting, but we get less support because of the many disinformation currently plaguing the world. But there is truth in the sea of perversions.

I believe knowledge SHOULD BE FREE and that is why I put out information for FREE-DOM, but I can only do this for so long until I am out on the streets. Some of us need support, since we have taken the path to help unchain people from their shackles and I feel this is the right thing to do, but time is running short and being unplugged from the system puts me in danger of not being able to do this anymore. Even if that be the case and this light warrior falls, I will continue to spread information with or without support until that time comes. It is my duty and my contribution to humanity. I am not one to withhold information just because I am not getting anything in return.
But the reality is, I am currently unable to support myself, but nonetheless, I will press forward until the day this body dies.
There are two ways you can help contribute to the sovereign movement.
- Donations
- Help educate the world by becoming your own voice.
Note, we are not looking to profit, (I myself have a HUGE resistance towards the thing called money, however while I do not worship the paper God that controls people, I have acknowledged that it is a tool needed in this current paradigm.) We are looking for survival, in exchange for what we are doing. This is called the law of equal exchange and abides by natural law. You are not forced to pay for information, for it is provided for free. Keep in mind, there are those who charge for information and withhold them until they get something in exchange.
This blogs purpose is to provide information freely, without information being withheld. However, the reality is, without support we can only do this for so long until we are put out into the streets and silenced. (But even then I’ll be the homeless sage speaking the truth, out in public. If that be my fate then I humbly accept it. Truth will never be silenced no matter what happens to me. )
This blogs purpose is to provide information freely, without information being withheld. However, the reality is, without support we can only do this for so long until we are put out into the streets and silenced. (But even then I’ll be the homeless sage speaking the truth, out in public. If that be my fate then I humbly accept it. Truth will never be silenced no matter what happens to me. )
To those who have supported this blog so far, I wish to express my gratitude. I have a few ideas for some projects I have in mind. I will try my best to put them out there at least until the time comes that I am unable to contribute. At best I have a few years before meeting the streets. Maybe less, I don’t know since I am currently depending on my parents (who themselves are stressed with all the bills and banking slavery called mortgage.) But if something happens to them, its lights out for this truth seeker.
If that’s the case at least help spread the knowledge in this blogspot as well as Mark Passio's website, and get the information to as many people as possible. Natural Law IS the way and always has been, since the beginning of “time”. I do this, because despite the pain received in the past, I love people, I love life and will stand against anything that threatens it. (There are more people in this movement.)
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The Current Wrong Reality. |
I believe, that humanity will one day come to understand one another and live together in harmony, peace, love, FREEDOM and trust. This… is the dream I wish to see turned into a reality. OUR New World Order. The true return to Eden, not the false version those in power have in mind through enslavement. WE THE PEOPLE Not THEY THE CULTS.
Which new world order do you choose?
The Cabal’s or OURS? Time is running short, and their pyramid is almost completed (To which is built by the stone blocks which is made using people, those who remain ignore-ants) and if you are a new ager suppressing the sacred masculine, know that you are on the wrong side. You stand with them, not with WE THE PEOPLE. Please educate yourselves, and each other.

The Stone blocks of this pyramid MUST be removed/turned upside down and the only way is through Education (Especially on Natural Law), communication, an open mind and an open heart. Feel the truth, for truth is within us all.
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