The Rise of Narcissism –Rise of the Vampires (The Nazi Trait)
I am no longer writing to attempt to save humanity. After some realizations, it has come to my attention that chances of winning the war for the minds has become smaller and smaller. The funny thing is, that those dark occultists, the Archons, through their point of view, humanity is incapable of responsibility and are always changing. This is why they do what they do, they ARE protecting the species in their way, through their point of view they are perfect compared to us Flawed humans. They may be wrong on what they are doing, but they are right on how they see humanity.
“Humans are just incapable of responsibility” While this quote angers me to some extent, I will have to say I understand it. Seeing it for myself, people are too scattered around hidden in their own little world taking selfies and caring nothing but themselves. You can ignore this post, but if you are just starting to develop narcissistic traits then you will want to read on, for this concerns you, it is not too late if you haven’t fully become a narcissist, if there is any bit of empathy left in you then read on.
I guess I must be that rare gem, who has remained a child at heart since my date of birth. Unchanging, despite the fact that I have received my beatings in my life, but see… this is where I prove them wrong, and why they will never have me submit. I represent something that is outside of their control and I will do what I must to keep it in tact. I have the SPIRIT within me and accepted it with LOVE and opened arms.
However, I write this as post apocalypse notes since the unveiling for me is happening in the here and now. I write this to pin point what has lead humanity to this point in time. If a miracle happens that people actually listen. So be it, but I am not counting on it, my faith has gotten smaller to the point of nonexistence. (Apocalypse true meaning =The unveiling)
The rabbit hole goes far deeper, but for the sake of keeping this post short, I will leave the rest out for now and focus on the topic of narcissism and why it concerns you.
Having been through two narcissistic relationships (and survived-barely), I can tell you right now, that this personality disorder is spreading like wildfire across the U.S (and the world). Mainly through the rise of feminism, Memes, movies and television. For this reason, I have isolated myself from people, because you cannot reason with a narcissist and this personality is getting ever more popular through programming of the people. “If the government says it’s okay through mainstream, then it is okay for us to do it right?” No, wrong, you are being manipulated and programmed to accept this as normal so that you would remain asleep to the fact that there is a takeover of your mind.
Proof? Are you currently depressed and people tell you to not feel emotions? Are you being taught that emotion is bad or negative? Guess what, these are narcissists telling you to suppress your SPIRIT. Spirit is the spark of the will. The self, some call the holy spirit, the sacred part of the trinity. Without spirit we are easily controlled. Then again, it is impossible to be without spirit. Spirit is inside all of us, some people hear it, some people won’t go near it. Yes Spirit is OUTSIDE of realm and time, and within us all. This makes it infinitely more powerful than the universe itself. Yet… spirit can be said, to be the dreamer of dreams. However, spirit through human experience is also part of our shadow (shadow). It is the suppressed self, (our emotions) and WOW it is pissed and yes, aggressive. Only LOVE can heal this.

I have a different unique set of beliefs on what balance should be through Natural Law. Some of you may wish to pick up on that seminar made by Mark Passio. It is the only way I see humanity getting past the evil that plagues us during this time.
Of course I believe man and woman should be equals, however this has to be accompanied by something called equidity, not hate speeches. There is more than one way to resolve conflict, and mainstream feminism is NOT it. My purpose is to make you aware of what is transpiring around the world, and exposing mind control tactics.
Whether it be listened to or not, it is no longer my concern. I wrote up the information; it is up to people to accept or reject it. (red pill vs blue pill). However you are not to believe anything I say, you are to verify for yourself what truth is and what is not. This is the problem society has today; to fall into blind beliefs, it is a trap on its own when people should be smart enough to verify the truth. Everything written here is re-searchable, observable and testable. All it takes is basic scientific method taught to us in grade school. It is that simple.

The only thing that gets in the way is pride and this gets people into defending the lie like good little puppets that they are. I won’t apologize for stating it as such, this system deserves to be ridiculed, mocked for the fiction that it really is and I find it sad that people don’t understand that we are actually defending the U.S constitution which is the sacred law of the land.

Those at the top of Hollywood, FDA, NSA; everything, are being run by foreign people. NASA for example was formed by one of the top German Scientists, as well as Big Pharma and some Nazi regime at the top.(Endorsed by the Rothchild Family)
I will not specify all of it, for the reason that the information is right at your fingertips (for the time being) by simply googling it. “German Scientists after world war 2” would be a great start. Those horrific things Hitler did in the war, he was a puppet being backed up by a much higher order. So to say that the Nazi’s were completely at fault was a lie. However, they are still responsible for carrying out orders from the people at the top. Those people funded mind control programs and this is what leads us to the present moment in our lives.
It is important to understand history (real history) not that re-written crap that is spat out through mainstream media. Knowledge of such gives people the advantage to make choices. This is the purpose real history is re-written, to maintain control and yell out heresy when someone comes to claim the opposite. The level of mind control in the world is out of control to the point where people will attack others when it is mentioned, this is truly sad, because this shows the death of imagination as we speak, and death to the republic of what could have been a great nation had people simply followed the laws of nature and common sense.

This is what the U.S have evaded for one reason only. What stands in the way of US and THEM is the U.S constitution, to which they are trying with all their power to abolish. The constitution needs to be defended or everything will be lost. Mainstream will tell you otherwise, that the constitution is outdated, and it needs to be reworked. This is nonsense shit spoken by corporations and bankers with hidden agendas to abolish the constitution with people’s consent. They need the consent of WETHEPEOPLE to do this. However with more and more people falling into their mind control tactics, the more they win the favor. How do they do this? Mainstream media, Television, hired trolls to confuse people through the net.
What happened to common sense?
Common sense is a very important and a basic trait that was meant to be taught to people. It’s knowledge that is not taught in public schools because they don’t want us to think for ourselves. The lack of common sense gives rise to Narcissism and order followers Solipsists and this all leads to the world we have today. It could be far worse though, we could be in North Korea where there is total totalitarian order, people have stopped being people and if spirit comes forth, they are killed on sight as “traitors”.
North Korea Documentary- Preview of Totalitarian New World Order
The above video is a must Watch if you Value your freedom. You will be time traveling into the future should the occultists have their way and defeat the U.S constitution. This must NOT happen, not in the land of the FREE!
In our case, we should easily recognize the traitors by studying natural law and the U.S constitution. To which those in power are doing their best to abolish. It is time to wake up, we are not slaves, we are sovereign under the U.S constitution.
There is a reason why Benjamin Franklin once said, those who trade in freedom for security deserve neither. The founders KNEW what they were talking about, we the American people should remember our history and the reasons why the United States declared its independence from the Rothschild’s Great Britain and their banks.

However, with the rise of Narcissism, the internet is becoming plagued with miniature nazi’s since this is what the current system is teaching children. To accept Narcissism as NORMAL. All you need to do is look at what the kids are currently praising and watching on T.V, the Heroine from the movie underworld for example; shows this type of conditioning in people’s minds. Take a look also at celebrities and the highly promoted sexualism and lust.
The current rise in Selfies, shows how people are idolizing themselves in worship and pursuit of perfection. Now you know why depression is also occurring in young men, because the mainstream media is teaching women to search for the perfect ideal man presented to them in T.V, while the men are being conditioned to seek ideal women which T.V presents them, this causes a lack of empathy towards people who don’t meet those standards. This gives rise to apathy and the lack of emotion and empathy towards people who truly have spirit.
What narcissism does is steal/lock away the human spirit from its victim. That is why the narcissist is referred to as heartless. You cannot reason with a narcissist nor can you win an argument against them for one reason. They have no common sense and their minds are set to control or destroy.
This is why Hitler was able to control his regime, through the rise of narcissism. It is important to remember this part of ugly history. The foul acts made by this man was mostly due to the rise of narcissism in Germany. Through the destruction of CARE and LOVE.
Anyone remembers the little girl placing a flower over the rifle of a German Nazi back in WW2? They killed her anyways through execution. So much for “Love and Light” the new agers tend to spit out, it is not going to work against tyranny. Especially when you can’t reason with them when Narcissism is heartless. Still think Narcissism is cool?
To those who have been in abusive relationships with a partner who did not wish to admit his/her wrong doings, even if you knew the truth; You are or have been involved with a narcissist. These types of arguments will go nowhere. YOU cannot reason with a narcissist. It is his or her way, PERIOD. They will try to destroy you when confronted, they will lie to your friends and play the victim. They won’t stop until they have destroyed your life. They take pleasure in being the bringers of pain and they feed off that energy. This is why Narcissism is also a trait of the vampire. They feed off the pleasure of seeing someone in pain, and if you threaten to expose them, they will haunt you down till they are satisfied.
They can only change themselves, but many already have locked away their emotions too deep that they will not see reason. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist and you feel out of place, suppressed and craving freedom. You would do best to run away NOW and never look back. You are inside a toxic relationship that will ultimately steal away who you are. The narcissist will not stop until he or she has his or her way and they are very capable of murdering people. This is why I am exposing this type of personality disorder to the public along with its root causes. To help avoid this happening to others. If you are empathic like I am, then you know how torturous a relationship with a narcissist can be, be it friend, lover sibling or parent.
You can tell whether or not a parent is a Narcissists when they favor the Golden child and not the other child who gets left in the dark. There is so much more to the narcissist and I will be covering this topic extensively to get the awareness out there from this point on.
It IS a psychological disorder and imbalance that is occurring in people through the conditioning of Mind control programming’s, and the sad thing is, these programs are largely aimed at the youth so they are conditioned early to be narcissists. It is really up to you the reader to do your own research on this topic and why I have been focusing a lot on this part in psychology lately.
Through shadow work, I observed the many things I encountered in life were not completely my fault, despite me blaming myself continuously in early years and came to the belief that something was wrong with me. However, doing inner work, the narcissist was shown to me in experiences as to why I became so traumatized with people and why I wanted to get away from it all. Now I am aware, that most of my battles had to do with narcissism and people attempting to get me to become something I was not.
My inner child remains intact and it is becoming ever more powerful the more I awaken to my true self. This is a healthy sign that my spirit is powerful and still caring. However I will bring a warning to those narcissist’s who constantly bully an empath. Realize, that the empath who suppresses emotion will ultimately bring out the chaos from within. The rage that comes out is not evil, but it is the rage of justice. Chaos is a teacher, and it will teach you through apophasis what NOT to do.
The Narcissist tends to trespass into a person’s free will, and steal away who they are. Through natural law, the narcissist will be met with force which will unmask their ego’s and teach them the heavy lesson on not to trespass into thy neighbor. These narcissists (Nazi’s) tend to deny the natural laws because they want total control and dominion.
However this does not guarantee that the narcissist will learn its lesson through the unmasking. If the victim has enough rage, the narcissist will not survive the counter because the rage will be so intense that strength will be given to the victim 10 times fold and if fully unleashed, it will ultimately destroy the narcissist in point blank.
This is what Im trying to avoid in people, and this is why knowledge is key. The victim is within its right to defend his or herself for being trespassed on. It is the same as a burglar barging into a house without consent, and if the house owner possesses a rifle, he or she is within his or her right to defend themselves against any danger, foreign or domestic.
Become aware of the narcissist and if you happen to have narcissistic traits, know that you are following the path of the bully, tyrannical dictatorship, if there is some feeling and emotions left in you, then its time to face the music and go within yourself and unshackle the programming’s done to you. Otherwise, you are one of the nazi’s in society, and this is the truth.
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