The United States of America is known as the sleeping giant. I would like to believe this is true and that the U.S citizens are capable of doing what is right. Some may have lost hope, others are clinging to that one last thread barely. Looking around at the recent scandals, and how rapidly the population are becoming aware of the corruption within a system that has failed the entire world. Many are finding ways to combat the system non violently by either becoming independent, buying silver or boycotting big companies.
A Solution Presented
The solution is obviously there for the taking, the powers that be only have control as long as the public supports them. If you hit them where it hurts, you will have regained your own power as a soverign individual, but it starts with you. Right now, as we speak, you have the power of will and the power of voice.
These two are more than enough to help bring down a system designed to control and destroy nature. It is time to choose a side, which is either nature, which is divine law, natural law, or the law of men, which is as it now stands, corporate laws.
Corporations do not Care about You, why Should you Care about Them?
You need to understand the following; corporations do not have your best interest at heart unless they are promoting organic products, such as hemp, natural organic fruits made from the earth. You are basically being backed against the wall by your own employees. You are like a boss being commanded to obey the very people you hired for a service.
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Patience is a Virtue, which we ourselves can apply.
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Support Small Buisness Owners
Supporting small business owners would help balance and bring back the economy back in the hands of the people. Walmart is a corporation, which contains many of china’s products. Not to mention it is heavily backed up by Monsanto. The money you spend here does not stay in the U.S, it goes to china and Monsanto instead, fueling their power source more and more giving them an opportunity to expand and create more stores, which are more death traps.
Buying from small business owners will help the economy more, especially organic farmers. By supporting organic farmers you are helping THEM expand more instead of the big CEO’s who are well intended to cause havoc to humanity’s health.
Many make the mistake and boycott everything including organic farmers. I have observed spiritual groups who reject small business owners because they are supposedly “Only trying to make money by promoting their products.”
I can understand the distaste for the dollar, in fact, my distaste may be greater or equal to your own, however, people like me, for an example, who struggles every day, to even get food on the table while watching his mother break her back sewing every day at age 59 makes it hard to provide a service to humanity. I would love to create an alternate media and report real news to people and provide more insights every day and help the best way I could as much as I can.
I know many others who are talented, that would make great bloggers, public speakers and artists. However, if you continue to support big corporations instead, it does not leave much room for the little guy and the economy tips more in favor of big brother instead. Please note, when I mention big brother I am speaking about the real powers that be, which are the corporations.
This is one way to also stop fueling the system and one way to stop funding wars. You fund wars everyday with your taxes and money by supporting these companies. This is the reality of it, the investor is basically you and always has been. You are a battery to them, take away the battery and the system crashes.
Stop Buying at Walmart
As I mentioned, Walmart is a corporation, which contains many of monsanto’s and china’s products. The money goes to these companies which also funds china’s armies. Ye, you are basically funding china with their armies every day by supporting these companies. Your money creates death, all you have to do is look at china’s military and see for yourself. There are hundreds more reasons to boycott Wal-Mart, but I suggest you do your own research on this.
Stop feeding Poison to your Kids
They may whine, cry kick etc… but do not allow your kids to have their way when they suddenly stop getting what they want. Try educating your kids though, you will be surprised as to how much they will listen to what you have to say. The key here is to treat kids as if they were an Adult and speak to them as you would yourself.
If you have to be strict on this do so, but attempt to explain the reasons why in the process. Do not underestimate the ability of a child to understand. Many parents make this mistake and forget that they were once kids themselves. I was capable of understanding at age 10 +, I just didn't have a mentor or someone who actually spoke the truth back then.
Withdraw your Money from your Bank Accounts
Let’s put it this way, the more money you have in your account the more money they have to fund their projects. It is your money the banks use to do what they want. They also gamble away your money through investment, which is one reason they needed the “bailouts” because when people withdrew money, the banks did not really have it, so they relied on the Federal Reserve Bank to print more money, which created inflation.
Refuse Vaccines
There are hundreds of reasons to avoid vaccines at all costs. You need to understand something; it is within your rights to refuse to vaccinate your children regardless of what other people say. If you are spiritual, you know that vaccines will aid in the calcification of the pineal gland. Not to mention, you are injecting your children with mercury which is a highly toxic chemical. Some vaccines may not contain mercury, hmay cause harm.
This is a very large topic and there are literally thousands of articles and reasons that explain why you should avoid vaccines. Research this topic thoroughly and read on cases where these vaccines have backfired on people who chose to be vaccinated. The FDA treats most U.S citizens as lab rats and this is their point of view regarding us. This needs to end
Stop Supporting Big Pharma
The support of big pharma takes away your right to real medicine, which resides in natural plants. Not to mention, that most diseases are spawned through the very pills that you take as pain killers or treatment.
Anti depressives is one example of the many dangerous drugs big pharma throws at you. Ever noticed those commercials that promise results on one thing, but then they tell you to expect certain side effects and paint them pretty?
So you replace one problem, but end up getting several more health problems as a result of taking those pills. It is like a dishonest car mechanic; they fix one thing, but ruin several others on purpose just to get you to come back. This is how their business works, they do not make money off you if you are healthy, so their aim whether you believe this or not, is to keep you as unhealthy as possible. Without you, they make no money.
Think Outside the Box
Being open with your heart and mind will get you much farther in life. But if you remain in your comfort zone and deny the truth, it will get you nowhere. Solutions rarely comes inside the box (if any), solutions usually arises when you get out of your comfort zone. Sure this requires some bravery on your part, but if you continue to stay the way you are, you are not contributing, you are becoming a burden not only towards others but also yourself.
This is why self-healing, shadow work is important. Keep in mind, when I speak of shadow work, I am not talking about magic, or anything of that sort. It is simply facing your past, your regrets, see the lessons, while finding the Bright side and letting them go. This way you grow as a person and the more you do shadow work, the more synchronicity will appear in your life. If you are an atheist and you are reading this, experimenting will get you farther than assumptions. I the author of this article can understand your distaste for religion, for the most part, many of the arguments conducted by atheists mention how religion has divided and caused more deaths throughout history.
The crusade is one such example, and the rising conflict in the Middle East between Syria, Iran and Israel is a clear example why religion should be discarded entirely. It is overdue, and it has very much overgrown its usefulness, (if it had any uses at all besides the many lessons that the experience and observations have provided.)
However, claiming that there is no God is erroneous when the existence of God can be in fact proven and be experienced directly. I myself was an agnostic that almost turned atheist several years back, and as a result I can understand both sides of the argument.
What got me to believe in God however was not some book invented by someone through possible fiction. God knows what the bible was intended for. ( While I would take a guess that it was mostly to enslave humanity through some false beliefs, and actually do the opposite of what it claims to bring humankind. The idea of religion causes division, and one thing the powers that be is good at, is to divide and conquer.
The elites are quite capable of rewriting history, therefor trusting their words will only lead the hen into the fox’s den. However, what you choose to believe is up to you, I will not judge you for it either nor should anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, there just needs to be a balance and a mutual respect when it comes to those beliefs.
Keep in mind though; a belief is a circle that enslaves you to a stream of thought patterns, which tends to repeat . Remaining open to infinite possibilities will grant you both knowledge and wisdom and allow you to grow.
Educate others Including Family Members
A difficult task, but not impossible to achieve since with every news, every article you read, (which resonates within you of course), spoken to others, you will be providing your voice in service of humanity. Right now, the number #1enemy is not the powers that be, our worse enemy is much closer than you think. It is ourselves. With this, you need to overcome your fear and actually speak your heart out with your loved ones, family members, and friends.
There will be resistance, however, understand that no one likes hearing the truth. Nobody wants bad news, because it will disturb his or her idea of “the perfect world”. This “perfect world” is their comfort zone. Eventually, the more people that awaken, they will begin seeing things for themselves until their ego finally surrenders.
However, it is not a good idea to force information down peoples throat, but you can attempt to stealth your way by mentioning events every now and then.
Stop Supporting Facebook and Use Alternate Social Sites
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With facebook, you are being watched constantly. Right now it is a useful tool, but for how long? There are other social media platforms that works similar to facebook, one such is and you can create a profile there while remaining open with your opinion. You have some privacy (to some extent) and can decide if you want your profile viewed publicly or not. But the site is a very good alternative to facebook as long as it remains neutral with the public.
Create Flyers and Handouts
Some of you may be college students and this gives you an advantage. College is a great place to build rapport with others and to educate them. There are many ideas you can spawn on how to use colleges and universities as a means to communicate the message. A lot of college students may end up becoming future leaders . Depending on their influence is what may help shape the world.
Create Bloggers
Bloggers like the one I am writing in now provides as an alternate media. It also provides a voice of many, if everyone supported each other, shared each other’s points of views on the issues affecting the world, we will also be expanding further on the solutions and manifest the desired world that we truly want for ourselves and future generations.
Face it, the mainstream media has failed the public. They have been caught time and time again with their false propaganda and lies.
You can help support pages like this one and many other pages that speak out the real news. However there is a problem with these pages and sometimes it is hard to maintain alternate medias active. Most are in survival mode , and the authors have to work in either daily jobs or looking for a job to maintain their families and place food on the table.
It is heartless to judge them for asking for money especially when they have affiliates or monetize their blogs. These alternate Medias are what keeps us informed with daily occurrences, and real facts compared to mainstreams.
Backing them up would be the wiser choice even if they ask a fee or donations. We are all we’ve got and we need to start supporting each other instead of judging. This understanding is often overlooked, and we should not be afraid of asking for help. Sometimes we fear asking for help in fear of being judged or criticized. I the author of this blogger admit this fear in me, but I would like to trust more in people that they what is right. In the end we are all helping eachother as a community, regardless of who we are or where we come from.
Become an Advocate on Marijuana,Hemp & Free Energy
These three things alone is enough to change the world. There are hundreds of uses of Hemp, which replaces many of our daily consumptions. There is actually a very long list that speaks about the advantages of Hemp. In case you didn’t know and currently is a Unites States citizen, the constitution was written on hemp paper. The hemp seeds alone are rich in protein and also can provide an alternative fuel for cars replacing petroleum.
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Marijuana itself is the safest, and one of the most effective natural remedies that provides healing in multiple levels in the human body. It also provides brain growth along with tumor reducing capabilities inside the THC. The whole history on Marijuana was filled with false propaganda and claims. There are hundreds of studies that has just now been making news which has allowed legalization on this plant in certain parts of the U.S. Yet despite its vast uses, Federal law is still prosecuting even medical marijuana users till this date.
<-- Here is a documentary on this plant and how it all started.
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Forget Religion, & Stop Judging others.
Why people care about what other people believe is beyond me. This has a lot to do with fear because we ultimately do not want to be alone in our beliefs. As a result; many attempt to recruit others into their belief system, instead of accepting them for who they are.
Many of today’s violence is conducted because people are suppressed and pressured by others. Now I am not judging anyone nor any beliefs here, as a clarification; all I am doing is talking about what I have observed through other people’s actions and the consequences that follows. However my experiences with the divine keeps on coming day after day with new insights. I simply made a choice to believe in God in my own way. To me religion is not needed because the one true temple resides in the heart of every man and women. Even if you chose not to believe, the divine will not judge you as they say in some book.
The God I believe in is fair and balanced with unconditional love. Unconditional love without expectations is also part of the expression of the creator. And it is the one true love that exists. people fear love because the don't understand its true meaning. Love today in age is confused with lust, and because lusting leads to pain and suffering in most cases, it becomes something to fear. That's when we begin to fear love. However, if you truly believe in love, you will know that it is unconditional and without expectations. True love never leads to suffering because we only hurt ourselves when we expect something in return. If you truly love, give without expecting anything back.
Because God loves, God has no judgement, and we have the choice to become the reflection of God through unconditional love. So whatever you choose to believe in, that is okay, but when you judge others, you are ultimately judging yourselves, along with God in the process. Since God is basicaly everything and all that is. He/she is you after all. Every single atom in your body, which can be used to make an atom bomb is part of God. If a single atom can generate that much of energy, imagine what your body can do.
Just something to ponder on
There are corporations that are causing havoc in the amazons for an example. South America contains a very large area where the rainforests are vast. It is extremely important, that these rainforests remain intact. It is our life support system, our oxygen. Not to mention that plants can absorb harmful chemicals in the air and can purify them.
Millions of trees are cut down every year just to make paper. You could choose to look at it this way, that newspaper you may read every day was once a lively tree that provided us with oxygen. Which is more important, our oxygen or reading false propaganda every day on a piece of paper that will be discarded as soon as you finish reading? It’s a waste of a tree, choose alternate media instead for real events. Those who are not spiritual may call me a tree hugger for this, however if you have a shred of logic in you and are smart as you believe yourself to be, then you will understand why I say this.
Regardless whether the author of this article is labeled a hippie tree hugger, (which there is nothing wrong with that anyways) you cannot escape the facts. Trees are the reasons that you and your children breathe today.
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