Research & Analisis by TheGoldenPath
Disclaimer: This is part of a study of the video series "Know your enemy part 1 -77" and a sum up of only a small part covered in a very large, very accurate, re searchable with backed facts. (To follow up on this article, i suggest you go see the video first) I trust the source, since it reveals many things throughout history that I formerly did not know. This history has changed my view on things drastically, and I can honestly say: Out of all the information i have seen, and read, the contents in this one video alone, explains with extreme accuracy the events throughout history. I humbly suggest everyone, especially Jewish and Christian communities to see this video series below. It is vital that you understand what is going on, and the dangers towards both Christians & Jewish people(Not to mention, the world as a whole.)
Please Watch & Understand your Past.
Before I begin this other segment of highly controversial topics, I want to make one thing clear, I love my Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters. This love has grown exponentially after having been deceived that "they were wrong". After learning of this great deception and who were involved in framing them and why, I had a change of heart. And my stance is in defense of true Christians and the Jewish community.
(A little of this authors background)
I spoke harshly against God in the past (For that I am sorry), because of the crusades. The crusades made me turn away from God due to their horrific actions. (That and also due to what I was seeing in the world. The apathy, the selfishness of people the lack of empathy) I think we can all agree, the monstrosity committed by the crusades were NOT of God, but of greedy power hungry men who were not Christians at all.
They were the Catholic church, under the guise of "Christians". Their purpose (if you study the informational video) was the destruction of the christian belief and cause entropy within the christian church. In the eyes of the Catholic church, Jesus is nothing more than a fable.
“What Profit has not that Fable of Christ Brought Us!” – Pope Leo X 1513 -1521
The pope here is quoted; mostly to bring to light how the Catholic Church sees Yah shu ah. Is this a church to be trusted as a Christian let alone as Jewish?
The problem is, many people have come to hate Christians and the Jews, but this is largely due to misrepresentation. It is no different than you creating a logo for a business, and your adversary hijacks your logo for his own products. As a business man or woman, would you NOT sue them for false misrepresentation? The same thing happened within the Catholic Church. In short, they are not followers of Jesus. The are followers of their "Goddess" named "Mary", who they call "Mother of God" which is non other than Jezebel/Lilith(in the guise of mother of Jesus, but it is not her it is only a guise. They are using the mother of Jesus (yah shu ah or Yeh shu ah), to represent the feminine aspect of this Goddess. There is no mother of God, and to place anyone/thing above God, is in itself a cosmic insult for one fact, this so called "Goddess" of theirs is non other than the spirit of Jezebel entrapping souls in her hell. (You've been warned of the Harlot before, This is a calling for both Christians and Jews to WAKE UP!)
Revelation KJV (King James Version)
4The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality,
5and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."
This is a calling for both true Christians and Jews to drop their differences and unite under the God of Abraham and the teachings (Not the idol) of yah shu ah. Yah shu ah was a follower of God, this means, he followed God's teachings. yah shu ah was against Idoltry, so why are we tolerating the idol to which Yah shu ah rejected?
The Anti-Christ, will represent the reunification of Babylon, under the guise of the "second coming" and will promise peace, love and harmony. But in reality, this is the great deception of our time. You will know them by their fruits. You will know them, by how they discourage the absolute. You will know them as trolls, trying to corner you into feeling ashamed. Behold, the face of your true enemy, the harlot and her false prophets promising peace and unity through the new world order. They are the elites that are dividing the public through the mainstream media. Race wars, being promoted, their tactics, of infiltration within every group around the world, has proven effective against those who follow God. They are deceiving the followers of God with the false light of the fallen one. Their purpose is to create chaos amongst the people and through entropy restore Babylon.
How to spot a Deceiver and their Tactics
You will most likely encounter individuals like this.
They will negate facts, and point at you as the problem. You will notice this pattern is common within adolescences and many adults. It is a growing epidemic mostly due to television, and social peer pressure. Television, music, celebrities is literally programming people to act this way due to celebrities (idols) giving the wrong message. Now do you see why the worship of idols was banned from the kingdom of God? Are you not able to understand God's message as to why you should not worship or follow idols? One reason is, because idols, are a misrepresentation of what is true. They are there to lead people astray into the hands of BAAL/Lucifer/Jezebel, away from the true kingdom of God.
You have people enamored with logos, like Nike, or brands as such. It is almost SPELLBINDING isn't it?
You yourself probably noticed the logo with the Ø at the top of this blog for example. Looks cool doesn't it? But what was my intention with this symbol? Is it a sinister one or something else? What was the purpose of its creation? What is the purpose of creating any logo? That is where one of the dangers is. The intention behind the logos and symbols.
In this case, however, the intention of the symbol is a message towards the harlot, in rejection of her cup which is filled with the blood of prophets (false holy grail). The symbol Ø is an anti symbol in itself. It is simply not there, its just a placeholder. Its an anti-idol, and has no real importance except for what you yourself give it. You give symbols power over you. And that is how you are lured into traps. Marketers use symbols to enamor people into buying their products. If you study marketing, you will most likely arrive at the conclusion that "brands" sell the products.
(See this Marketer WhistleBlowing a Marketing Tactic. What she has to say may shock you.)
Symbols are used as divide and conquer tactics; which tend to create entropy and infiltration among-st the people. It is very important to understand this, because the mainstream media controls the minds of the public through symbolism. The mainstream media and television create division with their programs.
Remember, the adversary despises morality and God's laws. It is doing everything in its power to influence destruction towards both Christianity & Judaism.
Psychology is a must know for everyone who wishes to have keen eyes to see, because the warfare is in fact Spiritual &Psychological. Those who are in ignorance (Without knowledge) in psychology will find it hard to fully comprehend the level of the great deception. Psychology is a tool use by the adversary. It important to understand the tools used in order to counter-avoid them. psychology will help give you eyes to see into the unseen world of symbolism and deception. Think of this as a shield (metaphorically speaking) and a sword to use and spread among God's people. The sword is called "Awareness". Learn to discern between right & wrong. There IS a truth and there ARE lies, just as there is a right, as there is a wrong.
Is rape NOT wrong?
Is murder NOT wrong?
Is false misrepresentation NOT wrong?
BEWARE of those who say there is no right nor wrong.
Ask yourself this, are your beliefs based on peer pressure or do you still feel lost and incomplete and in despair?
Former Muslim, becomes a born again Christian.
Please understand the definition of programs and how the mind is similar to that of a computer. See the words carefully "T.V Programs". The truth is starring in your face and you don't even know it, or perhaps, now you do. Understand the word's definition:
noun: programme; plural noun: programmes; noun: program; plural noun: programs
- 1.a planned series of future events, items, or performances."a weekly program of films"
- 3.a presentation or item on radio or television, especially one broadcast regularly between stated times."a nature program"
synonyms: broadcast, production, show, presentation, transmission, performance, telecast "a television program"- dateda radio or television service or station providing a regular succession of programs on a particular frequency; a channel.
- 4.a series of coded software instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine.
verb: program; 3rd person present: programs; past tense: programmed; past participle: programmed; gerund or present participle: programming; past tense: programed; past participle: programed; gerund or present participle: programing
- 1.provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a particular task."it is a simple matter to program the computer to recognize such symbols"
- write computer programs."I've programmed for 25 years and have used many languages"
- input (instructions for the automatic performance of a task) into a computer or other machine.verb: programme; 3rd person present: programmes"simply program in your desired volume level"
- cause (a person or animal) to behave in a predetermined way."all members of a particular species are programmed to build nests in the same way"
- 2.arrange according to a plan or schedule."we learn how to program our own lives consciously"
- schedule (an item) within a framework."the next stage of the treaty is programmed for 1996"
- USbroadcast (an item)."the station does not program enough contemporary works"
It comes from the Greeks, this is very important to understand because the new world order is based a lot on Plato's vision. Plato's vision separates families from children, in absolute police state, with no individual thought. (You've been warned)
Those who separate the children from their fathers are part of the deceivers. They are the gossipers, the media, the governments, the lawmakers, the judges, "the saints", those who have thrown away their morals and ethics in order to do their selfish deeds at other people's expense. It is they; those who wear pride and stare down at their brothers and sisters and think they are above, when in reality they have allied themselves with BAAL with false pride. They are stuck in rot with their false Gods and they are leading people like the pied piper into the Harlots Tower.
The great deception is that of the "Angel of Light" that of Lucifer who promises unity, peace, love and harmony, but brings in a dystopian world under his/her rule.
Remember Yah shu ah yeh shu ah (Jesus) Words:
Matthew 10:34King James Version (KJV)
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
That sword is the word of GOD the TRUTH. This translates to, THERE IS AN ABSOLUTE. Those who claim otherwise are the deceivers. Shut your ears to those who do not listen to reason along with those who throw away their morals.
Beware of the Jezebel spirit, she is known to kill the prophets/followers of GOD. She has blasphemed against God and his people. Remember, God is JUST and fair. The only laws that man should follow is God's laws, not the laws of men and their false Gods. Free yourselves from the great deception before it is too late.
Spread the word of the Gospels, the message of yah shu ah, NOT the idol. Stand your ground with your morals and ethics, honor thy neighbor, and do not let anyone trespass upon you as spoken in the commandments of GOD. They are not really "commandments" but more as a warning of things to avoid doing unto others/doing unto others. It is the Golden Rule of morals and ethics. To be like the father is to apply the morals and ethics in example of HIS KINGDOM.
It is discerning right from wrong, and anyone who claims "There is no right or wrong" is WRONG. Murder is wrong, is it NOT?
This spirit has been the number one enemy of the Jewish people and the christian church. The spirit has embeded itself in Zionism. (It is NOT Jewish.) Zionism is a mixture of political leaders and corporations. People from different religions and ethinicity join their ranks as they desert their former traditions in exchange of the Jezebel point of view. The ones at the top of Zionism, is the ones called the Illuminati/Jesuits/Freemasons. They may claim to be part of Jewish and Christian Traditions, however, they are mixing babylonian traditions to envoke entropy.
Entropy is occurring today in various forms (the way they designed it to be), look closely at the refugees coming in. It is all planned by the Jesuits, so pay attention to the popes words, they may reveal the great agenda through him.
This is a calling for both Christians and Jewish to wear the mantle of Elijah, against the spirit of Jezebel. You may have disagreements on yah shu ah (Jesus) or (Yeh shu ah), however, both Christians and Jewish have Elijah in common.
Matthew 17:10
The disciples asked him, "Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?"
Matthew 17:12
But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands."
Treasury of ScriptureAnd Jesus answered and said to them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
To wear the mantle of Elijah, is to stand against Jezebel. To understand Elijah you must understand his fight against queen Jezebel. This is also prophetic.
Question: "Why must Elijah return before the end times (Malachi 4:5-6)?"Source link
Answer: Malachi 4:5-6 offers an intriguing prophecy: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” To this day, Jewish Seders include an empty chair at the table in anticipation that Elijah will return to herald the Messiah in fulfillment of Malachi’s word.
According to Malachi 4:6, the reason for Elijah’s return will be to “turn the hearts” of fathers and their children to each other. In other words, the goal would be reconciliation. In the New Testament, Jesus reveals that John the Baptist was the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy: “All the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come” (Matthew 11:13-14). This fulfillment is also mentioned in Mark 1:2-4 and Luke 1:17; 7:27.
You who understand what is going on have a choice to make. Wear the Mantle of Elijah and expose Jezebel as he did so in the past, or bow to her and BAAL. That is all it boils down to, for both Christians and Jewish. If we apply common sense, the spirit of elijah may as well be those who carry on the fight of exposing Jezebel/BAAL/Lucifer.
Do not trust the all seeing eye, the Dajjal, nor Islam. Islam is another branch of the Jezebel's /Babylonian empire. Download the video above, study it with the scriptures. Those who are not narcissistic have the ability to see beyond the deception. remember, those with this trait will NOT be able to meet with the father. As long as they continue to be narcissistic, they will not know the father and will be blind to him through the light of Lucifer.
This is merely a warning, you can take this as you will. But the more you hesitate, the stronger the Jezebel's hold on you will be, and that prison is tightening as we speak.
Yah shu ah knows the way, and Elijah is the sword that strikes down Jezebel and her beast.
The battle is not flesh vs flesh, the battle is spiritual & Psychological.
Beware of Babylon.
Jewish Speaking out against Zionism. Many censored by the mainstream media. You must, understand, that it was not the Jews, that betrayed Jesus, it was Babylon and their worshipers of BAAL, aka Zionism/Jesuits/Illuminati/. It was THIS group that funded Hitler. (They are all linked together as of today, with the catholic church & in the future, ISLAM will join them)
For more references and symbolism shown on T.V (and other sources) on the Jezebel Spirit. Click here for a connection of dots.
Know your real Enemy.

Remember, once plan A fails, Plan B will come. Be prepared.
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