Raising the Stakes- The battle is for your soul
by:The Golden Path
by:The Golden Path
First I want to apologize to every reader, for promoting any new age philosophies in the past. I was wrong, and as most of you, I thought I had found a way out; a solution to the grand problem that humanity is facing at this time, only to realize that many spiritual teachings lead to the one place I was trying to get away from.
A note to unbelievers, just because YOU did not experience things, does not mean it does not exist. It is erroneous to think that just because you yourself did not experience events, to dismiss events based on your own perception. However, it is also erroneous to hold blind beliefs without witnessing the evidences for yourself. So the correct way to deal with said information is to put it in the back of your mind until further notice, or until such events begin happening to you. It is the logical thing to do when facing such information.
1. It is a mistake to hold unto blind beliefs and to hang on to every word from another source. (This author included). Blind beliefs creates conflict not only with others, but also within yourself because of the shackle and limitations you place yourself in. The key is to remain outside the box. The moment you limit yourself towards blind beliefs, that is the moment you jail yourself inside the box. You build your own prison in other words. Truth is everywhere, but so is the lie, so one must learn to see past the half truths, and the way it can be done is by putting information in the back of your mind until you begin seeing the patterns emerge. These patterns are bits and pieces of the puzzle that you must put together in order to draw a conclusion. (by connecting the dots, and there are many dots to connect, just a heads up on how vast and deep the conspiracy actually is.)
2. Dismissing events or testimonies even if it is from a strange unknown source is not the wise thing to do. Logic states, if the source is unknown, then there is a chance the unknown source doesn't wish to be known. An inside the box person would hold a firm belief that the unknown person has something to hide and is very suspicious. While it is also wise to question everything, there are some people who simply do not wish to be targetted by the wrong crowd. Hence why there are few that are"unknown".
The inside the box type person can become so fixated on their beliefs that they rarely if ever do their research nor do they care to do so. They take pleasure in arguing against anything that goes against their beliefs, and this is actually the path towards insanity because they will never admit they are wrong despite the evidence presented. (If you are one of these, then don't waste your time or mine, because there is no hope for you, unless you deal with your inner demons. Until then, shut it because ill ignore you. And this is not because of lack of compassion, I feel for you, however this is more for self protection and will not tolerate my energy being stolen when it can be used elsewhere for good purposes. I speak to you, he or she who happens to be a narcissist.
3. Develop a Detective mentality and remain unbias even if the information causes conflict with your beliefs. Even if your closest friend thinks he or she knows otherwise, do not allow anyone to sway you from finding what you seek. Question everything, no matter what information source you come upon. This is the most important part, because what you want to avoid is the traps that certain people have placed.
4. You will have to study a little psychology to get a deeper understanding on whats going on. Why everyone haven't done so is beyond me. I feel psychology at least an aspect of it is of vital importance in human education. main reason being because much of the mind control in humanity is also done through psychology. This will allow people to identify such mind control tactics and unshackle themselves. This will also allow you to analyze characteristics of people. I taught myself some psychology mostly because originally I wanted to be a novelist. I had to learn the characteristics of the Hero and the Villain. What made the hero who he is, and what made the villain who he/she is. And one thing I noticed, is that the Villain usually has an unhealed trauma within them that determines their course of actions. The Hero on the other hand, struggles with their trauma, and it is by overcoming such trauma that they are able to defeat the villain. However, as I studied character traits, i began noticing patterns and problems within humanity. I also noticed familiarity with said traits with encounters with people in my past and also within myself. Thus I entered the realm of comparative philosophy. (Just a bit of a background of my past.)
A note to unbelievers, just because YOU did not experience things, does not mean it does not exist. It is erroneous to think that just because you yourself did not experience events, to dismiss events based on your own perception. However, it is also erroneous to hold blind beliefs without witnessing the evidences for yourself. So the correct way to deal with said information is to put it in the back of your mind until further notice, or until such events begin happening to you. It is the logical thing to do when facing such information.
1. It is a mistake to hold unto blind beliefs and to hang on to every word from another source. (This author included). Blind beliefs creates conflict not only with others, but also within yourself because of the shackle and limitations you place yourself in. The key is to remain outside the box. The moment you limit yourself towards blind beliefs, that is the moment you jail yourself inside the box. You build your own prison in other words. Truth is everywhere, but so is the lie, so one must learn to see past the half truths, and the way it can be done is by putting information in the back of your mind until you begin seeing the patterns emerge. These patterns are bits and pieces of the puzzle that you must put together in order to draw a conclusion. (by connecting the dots, and there are many dots to connect, just a heads up on how vast and deep the conspiracy actually is.)
2. Dismissing events or testimonies even if it is from a strange unknown source is not the wise thing to do. Logic states, if the source is unknown, then there is a chance the unknown source doesn't wish to be known. An inside the box person would hold a firm belief that the unknown person has something to hide and is very suspicious. While it is also wise to question everything, there are some people who simply do not wish to be targetted by the wrong crowd. Hence why there are few that are"unknown".
The inside the box type person can become so fixated on their beliefs that they rarely if ever do their research nor do they care to do so. They take pleasure in arguing against anything that goes against their beliefs, and this is actually the path towards insanity because they will never admit they are wrong despite the evidence presented. (If you are one of these, then don't waste your time or mine, because there is no hope for you, unless you deal with your inner demons. Until then, shut it because ill ignore you. And this is not because of lack of compassion, I feel for you, however this is more for self protection and will not tolerate my energy being stolen when it can be used elsewhere for good purposes. I speak to you, he or she who happens to be a narcissist.
3. Develop a Detective mentality and remain unbias even if the information causes conflict with your beliefs. Even if your closest friend thinks he or she knows otherwise, do not allow anyone to sway you from finding what you seek. Question everything, no matter what information source you come upon. This is the most important part, because what you want to avoid is the traps that certain people have placed.
4. You will have to study a little psychology to get a deeper understanding on whats going on. Why everyone haven't done so is beyond me. I feel psychology at least an aspect of it is of vital importance in human education. main reason being because much of the mind control in humanity is also done through psychology. This will allow people to identify such mind control tactics and unshackle themselves. This will also allow you to analyze characteristics of people. I taught myself some psychology mostly because originally I wanted to be a novelist. I had to learn the characteristics of the Hero and the Villain. What made the hero who he is, and what made the villain who he/she is. And one thing I noticed, is that the Villain usually has an unhealed trauma within them that determines their course of actions. The Hero on the other hand, struggles with their trauma, and it is by overcoming such trauma that they are able to defeat the villain. However, as I studied character traits, i began noticing patterns and problems within humanity. I also noticed familiarity with said traits with encounters with people in my past and also within myself. Thus I entered the realm of comparative philosophy. (Just a bit of a background of my past.)
What I am about to reveal is not easy, some of you may think this is me turning my back. Some of you may wonder, why the change of heart and what the author of this Blog-spot is all about. Make no mistake however, I still back up the truth, though I am afraid time is running short for all of us and there is not much we can do unless the whole world awakens. I am not talking about enlightenment on what is beyond the spiritual veil type of awakening. After my experiences with evil, I conclude that was not the way to go, I guess I have my ex to thank for that. Since her path took her towards the new age philosophies, which caused her to commit immoral acts.
Her brutal beating on my heart may have saved me from the grasp of something extremely dark. Sadly... I can’t say the same for my ex, as she is still under the heavy influence of the illuminati and their new age teachings. I have done what I could to reason with the situation…but it is about time I give up and embrace the final gift she gave me. Whether I like it or not, the painful experience I had with her, did serve one purpose and one purpose alone, (that I can see). She taught me where NOT to go and for many months while I was blinded through rage, pain and agony over her immoral actions , I was unable to see it fully until now. In which case, I have realized my role here as far as I can tell is the role of the observer and great detective work and to show where the true evil is. If my pain will serve one purpose, I hope this would be it. For I do not wish others to suffer as I had suffered. If I can spare the innocent soul from pain through knowledge, so be it. It is for them than I still do this, because the bottom line is, I still care, and no amount of pain will change that about me.
The burden of Knowing
It is an excruciating task, since I had to deal with many criticism, skepticism and trolls alike. To those who are new in reading this blogspot, or about conspiracies in general, you are late, very late to the party since it’s all about to conclude. Whether you believe or not, It no longer matters to me because time has proven “conspiracy theorists” correct. Though this is besides the point, since being “correct” is not necessarily a good thing. If you understand what I mean, then you know we usually want to be wrong. But the more we see events unfold the more we realize, it’s not a dream, it’s not some weirdo’s fantasy as I myself would like to believe. But see, unlike most people, I don’t like living a lie so I will spell it out for you. The facts are inescapable, and every day I get bumped off that cloud “that everything is alright” and drop back to reality.
What people fail to realize about those who are investigating these topics is that we don’t do this because we want to. We are not telling “lies” like the mainstream tells you. We are not extremist nor left or right wing. (Though I largely speak for myself, and those few who I know have good intentions.) Truth be told: if you see many people talking about the same topic, you better listen, because chances are, we are telling the truth about what is going to happen. Keep in mind however, there exists a "controlled opposition". These people will tell half truths and make it seem like they are on humanity's side. Then provide the same exact solution that the elite would bring. They tell the truth on many things going wrong, but they spread the lie on what the solution is. As was my experience with new agers, they spelled out the problem, caused a reaction, and provide a "spiritual, (fake) solution". To some of you, this may be familiar; Problem-Reaction-Solution.
How to Correctly Deal or Handle Conspiracy topics.
A wise person would heed the warnings instead of starting a verbal war with the carrier of the message. Verbal war is not very productive now is it? People dismiss facts in favor of being biased or in favor of denial even when the hard evidences is shown. People simply refuse to see it, and this is where pride becomes a big downfall for those who want to do good, but yet won’t give in because of either “self-pride” “national pride” or “religious pride”.
I do not know what will “save” humanity at this point. The “we are all one” no longer applies to me. I am myself, I am not God nor a savior. However, I can point out what is wrong because there is more than sufficient evidence pointing out the many things wrong in this world. But if you want to look at the main cause of this chaos that is about to unfold, all you have to do is look in a mirror and see it for yourself. YOU, I and everyone played a role in the aiding of humanities destruction. I put myself in this frame because I’m sure as hell am not innocent! I’ve done not so good things in the past through my very own ignorance. You could say, that my ignorance was my biggest downfall and catalyst.
But see; chaos can also be a teacher, since it does teach us what NOT to do. I lost count on how many times I had to re-evaluate myself and rethink my beliefs because signs were pointing out that I was heading towards the slaughter house. But given what I know, it seems inevitable at this point since there is strong talks about a big event about to occur in just a few months. What I can do in what remains in this timeline is point out what to avoid. You can take this warning as you will.
Some of you will dismiss it, some of you will not. I’m not doing this for attention as you can see, I’m no longer using my name so I have no desire whatsoever for fame. I’m not doing this because I want to either, honestly who the hell would want to do this out of hobby?
It seems knowing is more of a curse and a burden because there is always this part of me that pushes me into doing the right thing. I wouldn’t be a human being if I hoarded all the information for myself and not share it. If you are new to conspiracy topics, I would like to point out a little fact about those who talk about these topics. You could say, that we are the REAL detectives with real concerns for the well-being of people. Before you troll, or dismiss the information, know this:
1. No one else is looking out for you, and this is a fact; so stop biting the hand that feeds you.
2. The proper way to deal with information or conspiracy topics is to research it for yourself. As I did, I questioned everything and began noticing the signs the more I searched.
3. Instead of blind fully and biasly dismissing information, put it in the back of your mind until you see or find evidences yourself. All you really have to do is open your eyes and your mind until you begin to see the so called “coincidences”.
4. If you are a narcissist, then know that I will ignore you for a few reasons. Narcissists cannot be reasoned with. All they care about is themselves and this is mostly due to the unhealed trauma they have within. Adolf Hitler and his army were narcissists, and before you take pride on being one, know this: the narcissists may have been responsible for your greatest pain. How does it feel to become something you hate? To betray yourself instead of doing the opposite? The narcissists are the Gollum’s of society and they will never change unless they willfully do so for themselves and like vampires, they have quite the ability to turn people into one of them. Sadly, you will find many narcs in politics and even the school system itself. It even has people starring at the mirror looking at themselves saying “My precious”.

Reminds me of the witch from snow white when she stared into the mirror saying “Mirror mirror on the wall…”
(By the way, kudos if you noticed a connection between the mirror and the void, your feelings are correct.)
Very important quote from the video below:
"Narcissism happens when someone is abused as a child. It usually comes from abandonment issues"
This, perhaps pin points the the exact unhealed trauma within many people; especially inside the United States.
What to avoid
- 1. New agers ( research dangers of New Age)
- 2. Mainstream media
- 3. Anything to do with channeling beings.
- 4. New versions of the bible.
- 5. Scientology
- 6. Monsanto foods (GMO)
- 7. Mainstream Music
- 8. Depositing in Banks
- 9. Lies from the puppets in government.
- 10. Narcissist’s
- 11. Vaccines
If you are reading this, know that there is no such thing as nationality, division of races or any other types of division. It is all propaganda created by mainstream to get you divided and conquered. With this in mind, the author of this blogspot has no allegiance to any religion, any cults nor any nationality. While I agree united we are strong, there is such a thing called false unity and a true unity.
The false unity is Babylonian unity (You can call them the Archons) then there is the true unity, which is created through cooperation and volunteering (the mythical utopia, which is technically anarchy). Where humanity works together not to become Gods, but rather be in harmony with everything. I am pro-life, I care about people, otherwise I’d stick with playing playstation 3 all day until end day and just call it a life. There are solutions that are outside the box, such as cooperative and voluntary. Watch this video fully on what Anarachy TRULY is. It is NOT what mainstream tells you. Anarchy is NOT chaos, nor without rules.
But first let me tell you about the major problem within humanity, and I will use an article written by scientists to back up the fact I’m about to mention.
Read Article:
“These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary to receive and process information,” Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the study, said. “And yet, somehow, they have developed defenses that, for all intents and purposes, have rendered those faculties totally inactive.”
More worryingly, Logsdon said, “As facts have multiplied, their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.”
Even Scientists are pointing out that there is something wrong with people ignoring facts. And as someone who studied psychology, I see a connection to unhealed traumas. And there is a reason why. You HAVE been deceived, and because you’ve been deceived you don’t trust in anyone thus isolating yourself. This not only applies to you, but millions of people feel isolated as well. They may or may not be "social" but they hold back their true feelings. This is part of psychological-warfare and everyone is within its battle field.
The article above, (for those who want to use science as a way to prove certain claims) shows the problem these topics face every day. The combating of ignorance tends to break the spirits of those who truly want to do good. This is the main reason why I tend to stop writing time and time again. Dealing with knowing the future (and present), dealing with my own heartbreak from my ex, and dealing with the anger inside of me from being deceived in the first place by not only loved ones but people who were trusted in high positions for our “safety”. Dealing with poverty and possibly ending up on the streets plus dealing with people who refuse to listen to common sense, reason and morality has taken a toll on me.
That being said, for the reason above and for my own health, I will NOT be answering questions. Everything stated here is re-searchable, and backed up even by the elites themselves along with famous historic figures. I cannot stress enough, the main evils in this world is fear, denial and laziness. Nice legacy to leave behind humanity; (<- this was sarcasm) to be destroyed by our own laziness should be a low blow to your ego. This is where we are heading and think fully well the legacy human beings leave behind. We cause more destruction than any other species on the planet. We allowed our own greed and selfishness to hinder the future generations.
Not only will they live in tyranny, but humanity as we know it will become a shell of their former selves controlled and enslaved. Any normal person would see and feel whether or not their actions are right or wrong, and because of fear on what others think, they shackle themselves to “fit in” instead of taking a stand for what they truly believe in. So instead, they choose wrong because everyone else is doing it. The definition of an insane person is someone who would follow the herd off a cliff and doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Not only will they live in tyranny, but humanity as we know it will become a shell of their former selves controlled and enslaved. Any normal person would see and feel whether or not their actions are right or wrong, and because of fear on what others think, they shackle themselves to “fit in” instead of taking a stand for what they truly believe in. So instead, they choose wrong because everyone else is doing it. The definition of an insane person is someone who would follow the herd off a cliff and doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Me personally? I do not wish to do this anymore, nor do I wish to even think about it. However, I can never live with myself if I don’t speak up. The part of me that still believes in morals and in life; begs me to continue do this. I guess you can say, I’m doing this also to have a clear conscious, but in reality I wish to divert all my attention away from what is known. However, doing this would have me turn my back on what I stand for, and any normal person who has logical reasoning can conclude to his or herself the reasons why I and others cannot turn away, even if we want to. I mean let’s face it, if you knew about a dangerous situation, would you just sit idly by doing nothing? Can you honestly live with yourselves knowing and not saying anything to your friends or the people you care about? If a train was heading towards someone you love, and they were unaware, what would you do?
To arrive at the answer, one must only apply three things, common sense, logical reasoning and morality. These three things will determine your course of action. It is the SANE thing to do, rather than taking part of the insanity of simply looking away and doing nothing or simply watching as the train impacts that person. You could have pushed them out of the way. You could have warned them. If you are part of said group that does nothing but deny through ignorance, then there is little hope for you and you are insane; therefore I speak only to the sane. It is for THEM that I do this. Because the sane would understand one another. The insane would argue even when the facts are presented to them. These are the people who will most likely perish first, like the chubby guy (no pun intended) who will never out run a flesh eating zombie. (I am using a fiction to explain an analogy or a metaphor.). A sane chubby guy would lose weight and train himself ahead of time to out run said zombie. A fool is a fool, for only as long as he or she allows it.
Oh and guess what, if you are among the sane people, congratulations, you are an authentic human being, with true human nature. It is human nature to care about your fellow brothers and sisters right? Which means, what we are battling against is non-human traits. And if you are smart enough to put two and two together, logic states, if a human trait collides with a non-human trait, one of these traits does not belong to humanity. (Got that so far?) I am a human being, are you?
Then if you are, then welcome to the human race, and take heed of the warnings when people give them instead of fighting against one another. Learn to recognize non-human traits and band together with those who ARE human, for any non-human trait simply does not belong. I am pointing out what is really out of place here and calling it for what it is. People have been programmed through symbolism, television, celebrity witches that seduces the heart. People give up their morals in pursuit of something greater, mostly because of such programings and this is exactly what leads to downfall.
“When Icarus flew too high, he fell.” Ever heard of that saying? Think about what you give up in pursuit of selfish goals. Think very deeply on that one, and you will find the answers.
I have a moral obligation to expose the truth. Because that is who I am, a human being that feels pain, agony just like you do. I am not some alien or some lunatic out to get you. I do this for many reasons, mostly, because not many are doing it, and for the most part not many are courageous enough to help spread the word on what’s going on. Here is a fact we all need to accept, We are going to die. I am going to die, its not a question of “if we die” it’s a question of when. The sooner you all accept this fact, the sooner the real awakening occurs which is to become aware of the true evil that is about to take over. And the way I see it? Humanity does not have that long. Why is it important to accept death? To become fearless, because doing the opposite and fearing death, is one of the causes and reasons to do nothing. It’s an excuse, and a very old worn out excuse.Not to mention; it is also one of the main roots of evil, since this tends to cause people to seek immortality no matter what cost.
“Oh I don’t want to die, or be killed If I speak up.” <--you are dead anyways if you think like that. Think why that is. Think long and hard, for it has many meanings. The sentence: “You’re dead anyways”
“What reasons could there be? Why would I be dead?” You may or may not ask. Well, perhaps because you killed your courage in exchange for a false sense of “security”. You committed spiritual suicide by not acting on what you feel to be correct. You betrayed yourself, you betrayed what you stand for & your loved ones. And long after, if by some miracle you survive incoming global events, this will forever haunt you, because you didn’t look after the other. Worst case scenario, you end up totally alone, with no one there to support you. You abandoned your own self, and the people you claimed to care about.
If you read this far then chances are, that we understand one another, and you realize, why people speak up on conspiracies. Don’t get me wrong however, there are many propagandas out there, but they are easily detectable and re-searchable and debunked. As I stated before, the way to know truth is simply applying three things. Common sense, Morality and logical reasoning. (Add a little care to the mix, but this goes along with morals.)
At this point I do not know what will save humanity from becoming one with the beast. What we can do, is band together, resist the evil and its temptations. They are extremely seducing, and especially painful when the past is not dealt with. The more you run from it the more powerful it becomes. The more you feed it the more chances it will win. The battle is and has always been for your soul.
I’ll leave it there and conclude part 1 of this Article with a short story from an unknown author.
The Story of the Two Wolves
by: Unknown
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
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