Introduction of the Truth Seeker, Shadow Worker & the Golden Path
I wanted to say thanks to all friends for your support. I wanted to also explain a bit as to who I am and what the purpose of this page is, to avoid any confusions. If you take notice, most of the things I post involve information, truth and self help.
There is a reason for this, and that reason is because I believe education is very important especially in this day in age where there is currently a war for the minds. You can think of me as a veteran in this war. I have my scars as a result of constant battles to remain myself. In a world where people wishes to turn us into something we are not, we need constant reminders that yes, an unseen war exists and we are all part of it.
You could say, that World War Three has been active for quite some time. Only this time, the war is targeting the human mind to condition enslavement. It is part of my duty and moral obligation to counter this effect. To counter the narcissistic mindset that currently plagues the world like a virus in need of healing.
As an em-path I have studied people and what makes them tick. I dove deep in to the realm of psychology, philosophy and taken the path towards alchemy and nature. I am not for the system for I am aware that I am a sovereign individual with natural law rights. I am not a slave nor am I a person, I am a MAN.
There is a difference between a man (or woman) vs a person.
A person (the true meaning) is an individual commercial corporation who has given his or her rights away. Part of my purpose is to get you and others to realize their true rights towards freedom. Let me repeat something again, I am not a slave, WE are not slaves.
Why do I do this?

As a result of this, I found that I subconsciously was on the path of the shadow worker. The more I did shadow work, the more knowledge I gained to help people with their own personal healing. However, I am still in the process of breaking old habits, and the more habits I break the more insights I can share. (Therefor I am a student and always will be. I learn from my experience as well as others. )
I had my own battles with depression, anxiety and mild autism. I also had schizophrenic moments in life to which I found through personal research that I had a conflict of beliefs and suppressed emotions. Since then, I adjusted my belief system and allowed myself to become expressive. Turns out, the suppressed emotions (the shadow) had alot to say, not only about myself, but the world around me. I have actually eliminated the problem that sparked schizophrenia. My personal battle and ongoing insights places me in a position to help others. I see it as a moral obligation to do so instead of becoming a hoarder of knowledge. After all, we are here to aid one another aye?

Simply put, I am in service to people because I am in service of my true self. However the service to truth outweighs the service to persons and this is where priority comes into play.
Why I am sticking with Natural law- The Golden Path
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Image is of Fair Use and Educational Purposes only |
The Golden Rule Mentioned in many religions, yet ignored.
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Image Credit to Mark Passio |
Applying the natural law encodes me into balance. While I have yet to fully apply natural law, I am absorbing the knowledge and allowing it to be encoded within my being. It all comes down to choice, either you are on the side of love, or on the side of fear.

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Image Credit Mark passio |
Natural law is above mans law and there is a reason why religions have been hiding the knowledge in plain sight. (They don’t want a bunch of Neo’s who are outside their control living the free life).
However, to apply natural law, you have to forget all that you know. You can’t be narcissistic and apply natural law at the same time. It is a moral code after all, and vampires tends to violate natural law with their way of being.
Now you are realizing that what you heard in stories is actually true in a metaphoric way. We are in a zombie apocalypse because many people don’t have common sense. We have energy draining vampires who can’t see their true selves in the mirrors and only see their image. (Now you see why vampires can’t see themselves in mirrors in movies. They are too busy worshiping the image instead to take notice of the sad being dwelling inside. They are the bullies of society not only towards others but also to themselves.
While I feel sorry for them, I will never applaud their actions and will call them out when they do wrong.
I am here for a purpose, to bring out the best in people because I believe in the light of human beings will and love. Everyone has a gift and a purpose to follow. While this path may be painful, we HAVE to dive deep within ourselves, and encounter the forsaken self and heal it. It is a very difficult encounter, and it won’t be easy, in fact it will be painful. (Depending on the type of trauma people have.) So forget all the new age nonsense, it just won’t work. All they do is spell out what should be, but rarely give out the real solutions to the core problems. They try and deviate people away from this fact and as a result; it causes extreme chaos inside the individual.
Truth be told, if you don’t do the work, it will only get worse. In fact, it will lead you into the world of schizophrenia and violent anger which will cause you to violate natural law. If you believe in the law of attraction, natural law is exactly that law. (Not the version New Age tends to spit out.)

And guess what? New age suppresses the divine masculine. Just a spoiler alert as you realize new age is a cult created by Satanists worshipers and those in power.
Realize the ultimate truth. No one is going to save you. I will say it again, NOONE will save you. You can only save yourselves. Do not believe in the falsehood that something outside will save you. It is YOUR responsibility to better yourself as a human being. You are capable of rational thought, and capable of common sense. Heal your shadow, by giving attention to your wounds and past traumas. Find out the lessons behind them by feeling them through instead of avoiding. Ask yourselves questions, ask the whys.
Ask the tough questions, face yourself. Your true self. (Spoiler: Our purpose is hidden inside our greatest pains.) I just handed you a cheat code.
“What will it take to heal this? Where did the trauma originate from?” Are some of the questions to ask, and if you have a false belief about yourself, trace it back to the original story and pay attention to the details, a clue may pop to your attention where it may lead you back to the origin of trauma. (Meditation may help with this process)
Namaste and I hope all is well. To those who have the narcissistic mindset, realize that this way of thinking hurts those around you. You have the responsibility to heal yourself.
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