
John F Kennedy Vs Secret Societies, Federal Reserve - Truth Data & Research

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 0 comments
John F Kennedy Vs Secret Societies, Federal Reserve - Truth Data & Research 
by: Editor

John F. Kennedy, knew the truth and tried to warn people through his famous Secret Society Speech, before he was assassinated.  The blame fell on Lee Harvey Oswald, but he too was assassinated and silenced within the moment of him pleading not guilty.

It is important to note, that John F Kennedy had signed executive order 11110 before being assassinated, which would turn the dollar into real currency instead of "Federal Reserve Note" which is basically an IOU. This would have ended the reign of the Federal Reserve Bank in the process.

Silver Certificate the last time the dollar was "worth something".

History of Federal Reserve & JFK's Executive Order 11110 Pt 1.

History of Federal Reserve & JFK's Executive Order 11110 Pt 2

John F Kennedy Assassination & Warren Commission Cover-up Explained

by Anonymous

JFK to 911 Everything is A Rich Man's Trick- Documentary

by: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick


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