Raising the Stakes- The battle is for your soul Part 2
by:The Golden Path My experience the past three years have taken a toll on me. I question whether or not to continue the fight, or to just turn away. But dealing with Ignorance and on top of that enduring a broken heart that refuses to heal; It is like salt in my wounds the more i see the moral decline of humanity.
I almost fell unto the new age trap during my enlightenment. My enlightenment was NOT to realize "you're a god". That is luciferian and narcissistic; aka Nazi thinking. Are you a Nazi? You better start questioning your beliefs on whether or not it falls under this category.
To me; my personal enlightenment was the realization on what IS going on with humanity. The true enlightenment is the realization that we are fallen beings and very flawed. This is the truth that none wants to hear.
How many have trampled on others just to get to "the top"? You see this attitude clearly on black Fridays; Greed, selfishness, LUST, apathy, hurting thy neighbor etc... the list goes on and on...
No... the enlightenment is what we have done to ourselves as a collective. The realization of humanity's darkside, the realization that a great majority of the population is in fact insane and this was done by design from the few people at the top.
But people will never realize this unless they are willing to put themselves on trial. There will never be true unity unless people learn to empathize with others. Until then, it will be hell and hell is coming; you can bet your ass on it, but we only have ourselves to blame.

On the other hand, I had to study psychology in order to fully comprehend the level of deception humanity is in. In a way that is what psychology is, it is the realization that everything in society is a psychological experiment. (Since they wrote the book on manipulation.) So it is understandable, that people are unable to see this, due to lack of knowledge.
But there is a difference between ignorance and not knowing. Ignorance is those who brush away the facts in order to remain "safe" in their own little world...inside their mind. I call this a prison, but if people wish to remain caged that's their choice. Best of luck to them on their journey. For they still have much to learn about how the world really works, and the law will ultimately teach this lesson, as it did me.
I rarely mention those experiences, because there is no substantial evidence to show proof of the invisible world. On this blog I try and keep things logical, and through common sense. I can only speak of what I can provide proof of, but I cannot speak on what I do not have proof on. If that makes sense. I can provide theories, and experiences, but this doesn't necessarily prove anything. Unless you experience things for yourself, it is nearly impossible to prove the paranormal. It is unwise to blindly follow words regardless of the source of information. This includes everyone on or OFF earth, unless their is some essence within morality & moral law.
For this reason I always encouraged people to do their own research and make their own conclusions following the guidelines of morality & care. I also encourage people to take a crash course in psychology. Some of you may think it is a boring topic, but once you get to the gist of the subject your eyes will be open along with understanding.
Some questions you may have about this writer:
"Who are you fighting against?”
The answer: I am not fighting against anyone. However, I AM at war against the LIE. No matter where it is, be it loved ones, friends or foe.
"What is the path of salvation?" This is where it gets complicated, as I the author cannot tell you for sure. And this is the blatant truth. I simply do not know. (One of many reasons why I have refrained from writing more topics on salvation.) I don’t think anyone truly knows, and if anyone claims otherwise I’d be careful on that. However, what I can say is this; If you punch your sister, brother or parent in the face. How does that REALLY make you feel?
Was the action satisfying? Or did you feel guilt and remorse and hid it away, because of pride?
I can tell you what I THINK is the path of salvation. However, no matter how many words I use to describe this, even if it is so simple; It is the most difficult, because of one fact; People are brainwashed into being selfish, and if you want any proof of this; take a look at the millions of selfies placed on Facebook along with the new agers, "Horus’s and Isis’s" wannabe’s as they self-worship.
What does selfies have to do with anything? It is narcissistic, and a narcissistic mindset cannot comprehend empathy. I see selfies as a sign that a person is not really in touch with reality; instead they are stuck inside their own little box where they are “gods” and everyone else is just peons. For this reason alone I frown every time I hear someone say “love thyself”. There is no ME if there is no YOU.
And this is the secret war we are living in. We are in battle against narcissism every day, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Which is why I call them out for what they are, Nazi vampires who only care about themselves and will take anyone down with them through lies, manipulation & political correctness. They are incapable of real love, but they are masters of faking it through seduction & lust.
To understand these words is to understand the world we live in along with the struggles we face on a daily basis. When people begin to realize that hurting others they ultimately hurt themselves; then perhaps the wave of change can bring forth a form of true salvation.
Which is why I openly apologize to those I hurt in the past. Even though they were the ones that hurt me too, two wrongs does not justify a right. However, the exception is, when its time to put a stop to the constant hurting. This is why people rise against bullies, it is a force called righteousness.
But perhaps, it is not that you want to hurt them, but rather you want them to understand that their actions were wrong and that they did hurt you. Perhaps you cannot bring yourself to be upfront about it because pride gets in the way.
But sometimes we have to look at things from an outside point of view. To realize what is really going on with the world and how it effects the psyche of humanity as a whole. When you realize, the true cause of the pain, it will be easier to forgive, but never forget.
Why is it important to realize what is wrong with the world? Because it will answer questions as to why you are depressed, hurt, angry and feeling despair. It will also answer questions as to WHY that loved one betrayed you. It is here where you make a choice. You can either, become a villain, all hateful and resentful towards everyone, thus ultimately becoming what you hate. Or you can take the other route, figure out what is going on and fight against what you hate by educating others. '
This is a very controversial topic, and one that I am very very careful on. But I will explain my point of view on them both.
I do not believe Jesus wanted to be worshiped as an idol . I believe those in power anointed him this way in order to give power to religion. It is no different than the prophet from Islam and other legendary "heroes". Hero is another word for IDOL. False "idols" like american idol, celebrities are a form of idols, logos like "nike" is a form of idol. Symbolism are idols, they hold power over the mind.
Ever felt seduced or attracted to a logo? Especially when you were a kid watching Nike commercials? "just do it" slogan? Its all part of idol worshiping which brings me back to Christianity and Jesus. Idol worshiping has corrupted generations into immoral actions. People have killed others, because of idols. idols create separation and further divides and conquers. All you have to do is look at the countless logos and slogans from movements. They worship idol's; but forget what Jesus originally taught within scriptures.
Black vs whites,
feminazi's (feminism) vs males.
Homosexuals vs Straight.
Mexican vs blacks.
Republican vs Democrats
West side vs East Side
Emo's vs Goths
Rappers vs rappers
rappers vs Rockers
Nation vs Nation
Nation vs Nation
The list of division and conquering goes on and on the more you think about it, it just blows my mind how people have been divided instead of identifying ourselves with what we really have in common; Care.
Caring for others you are secretly also caring about yourself. This is what true empathy is. The ability to compare your feelings to others. You can't bare them taking pain, because it hurts you too. This is what I feel being whole is about. Knowing that how you act on other people is how you ultimately are for yourself. And this brings me back to Jesus and what I feel Jesus was truly about. However, do not take my word for it. You are responsible into conducting your own research, and figuring this out for yourselves. It is a personal journey after all.
Now, when you take a look at what Jesus taught, it was about mutual respect, treating other people as you would like to be treated. It is no different than the golden rule, or what I call the golden path. To acknowledge the pain of others, you also acknowledge yourself. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Think carefully why that is.
But given the alternative, which is to be controlled and enslaved, we must ask ourselves what are we really fighting for?
I'd like to think, that the founding fathers of the united states, had a good idea when they wrote the constitution. In many ways they were right, even though I still question their true intentions with this country, but from my understanding thus far, it was not meant to fall under the hands of foreign banks such as the federal reserve.
(I am aware, that the information I put out on this blog may as well get me killed, murdered or even have me "disappear". But even so, may I be a martyr or thee martyr that causes people to truly question things. I say this, also as a sad attempt to retain my own safety, that if something happens to me it WAS foul play.)
I am aware I am being watched and followed already. And I already had visions of my own death, but even so, the way I see it? I am a dead man anyways, but at least this man will keep his soul. So I no longer fear death, and perhaps welcome it for myself. The truth is, I don't wish to be here anymore, however, I am very well aware on what happens to those who commit suicide. Rest assured, Kurt Cobain and many others who died by "suicide" according to mainstream media; were NOT suicides. They were murdered.
John F Kennedy, and so many others were murdered by the elites. And yet we sit here, and do NOTHING to help spread the word of the real issues and reason why they died. Know this and know this well, this is our fate if we do not wake the FUCK UP. Yes, I am releasing a little anger here, but how else to make a point if people aren't slapped in the face when it is needed to grab some sense?
If people do not wake up to the reality we are in and do not begin to voice their own concerns, the age of darkness will be upon us. Well, upon most of you, since I can only hope I am one of the first casualties; because those who survive into that age will literally be living in hell. If people remain in only caring about themselves instead of sticking up for thy neighbor, (no matter who it is. Race, nationality religion, it does not matter. The way I see it we are ALL human, and I am a citizen of the EARTH, or better yet, THE UNIVERSE.)
If people do not defend or respect thy neighbors, they will soon find, there is no neighbor left to defend nor to come to YOUR defense. Ultimately people will find themselves alone, and isolated for not following moral values. To be human is to be humane. Are you human? Where is your care?

But what can be done to prevent this? We must be willing to put ourselves on trial. And accept what is happening and be on the front-line exposing this fraud. Accept your pain and acknowledge the pain of others.
The way I see it we have two choices, either act like ostriches and take it in the ass. (Sorry for the expression, however, you can take that as a metaphor. ) Or, you can do what is right. Or even better; you can express your concerns and become a media source yourself and teaching what you learned with regards to moral truth. But the clock is ticking and one way or another, there will be a new world order. It is coming, and the old world is dying a painful and agonizing death. But what will be of this new world order is up to you, the people. I for one intend to die a free man.

All this being said, I don't believe Jesus wanted to be worshiped I believe however that the teachings make sense, and he had the right idea through knowing Natural law. The true value is in the teachings, NOT the idol . And people miss out on the message by being blinded through worship, which brings me finally to the topic of Christianity, (or any other religion including Islam, Buddhism etc, It doesn't matter. religion is religion, no matter which way you look at it. It ties you into a false idol and at times tricks you into self worship. Christianity idolizes the Christ figure, instead of following the teachings. This is why many people turn away from religion, because of the hypocrisy behind it. Religion is simply a power grab, as you see in the past with the crusades done by the catholic church in the name of Christianity along with other events throughout history. (While at the same time persecuting Christians.)
"The label "Christ" or the "Annointed One" was a deliberate label required by
Phallic worshipers in their fertility rite such that it be included in the
canonized bible.
This was done such that they could be included in the developing religion of the
Holy Roman Empire. Phallic worship was an entrench tradition and much was
compromised to garner their agreement.
Yah Shu Ah would not go there, I am certain of it."- Roger Kent
I do feel the message Jesus wanted to give is no different than the one explained here through common sense and morality. It should be basic teachings we learn during childhood, to not hurt other people because it is NOT okay.
Yet the teachings are ignored and the idol is worshiped. And this is why Christianity by a large part have doomed themselves. Not just Christianity, but a great portion of the population has been tricked into going against Natural Law or the laws of nature, laws of karma, the ten commandments, which ever you put it as. What you do in this world is what you are and what you will get. And a time will come, when the world gets the rude awakening & victims fight back to defend themselves. Under Natural Law, we all have a right to defend ourselves from oppression. The New Age movement & political correctness only leads you to death.
To those who don't believe there is corruption, the truth is staring at you in the face. They are coming out, and they are trying to appear like "the good guys". The greatest deception of the Devil, will be masquerading as an angel of light. Remember this and remember it well.
However, if this Madonna song does not open your eyes, you may need to do a bit more research into facts.
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIkGtPK5x54
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