
Agency Rules Pepsi Use of Cells Derived from Aborted Fetus ‘Ordinary Business’

Sunday, March 1, 2015 0 comments

"LARGO, FL, March 5, 2012 ( - The Pepsi Company, which is set to release the new product Pepsi Next in the coming weeks, is facing a more robust boycott as pro-life activists protest the company use of cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor-enhancing research. But Pepsi has succeeded, with help from the Obama Administration, in keeping its controversial operations from consideration by its shareholders. READMORE"

Do you realize the implications of this? We are literally consuming other human beings, anyone with their right minds would avoid this drink. Only a sick and twisted society would allow something like this to exist.

This is right along the lines of cannibalism, while the corrupted groups would tell you it is okay, it is mostly to protect their internal interests. One could call this Abortsi instead of pepsi, hope you all abortsi drinkers enjoy your abortsi drinks, because that is what you are drinking. (Don't even get me started on Mcdonalds and other fast food restaurants.


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